Kerstin Isaksson
Kerstin Isaksson
Professor i psykologi, Mälardalens högskola
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Cited by
A two-dimensional approach to job insecurity: Consequences for employee attitudes and well-being
J Hellgren, M Sverke, K Isaksson
European journal of work and organizational psychology 8 (2), 179-195, 1999
Workplace resources to improve both employee well-being and performance: A systematic review and meta-analysis
K Nielsen, MB Nielsen, C Ogbonnaya, M Känsälä, E Saari, K Isaksson
Work & stress 31 (2), 101-120, 2017
Literature review of theory and research on the psychological impact of temporary employment: Towards a conceptual model
N De Cuyper, J De Jong, H De Witte, K Isaksson, T Rigotti, R Schalk
International Journal of Management Reviews 10 (1), 25-51, 2008
Arbets-och organisationspsykologi: Individ och organisation i samspel
G Aronsson, J Hellgren, K Isaksson, G Johansson, M Sverke, I Torbiörn
Natur och kultur, 2012
Employment contracts, psychological contracts, and employee well-being: An international study
DE Guest, K Isaksson, H De Witte
Oxford University Press, 2010
Adaptation to continued work and early retirement following downsizing: Long‐term effects and gender differences
K Isaksson, G Johansson
Journal of occupational and organizational psychology 73 (2), 241-256, 2000
Social and emotional self‐efficacy at work
C Loeb, C Stempel, K Isaksson
Scandinavian Journal of Psychology 57 (2), 152-161, 2016
Health problems and quitting among female" temps"
KS Isaksson, K Bellagh
European Journal of Work and Organizational Psychology 11 (1), 27-45, 2002
Employment contracts and well-being among European workers
N De Cuyper, K Isaksson
Routledge, 2017
Rewarding and sustainable healthpromoting leadership
T Rigotti
Deutsche Nationalbibliothek, 2014
Employment contracts and psychological contracts in Europe
K Isaksson, C Bernhard, R Claes, H De Witte, D Guest, M Krausz, G Mohr, ...
Results from a Pilotstudy (Rep. No. 1), 2003
The role of the formal employment contract in the range and fulfilment of the psychological contract: Testing a layered model
K Isaksson, N De Cuyper, C Bernhard Oettel, H De Witte
European Journal of Work and Organizational Psychology 19 (6), 696-716, 2010
Work values among the unemployed: Changes over time and some gender differences
K Isaksson, G Johansson, K Bellaagh, A Sjöberg
Scandinavian Journal of Psychology 45 (3), 207-214, 2004
Well-being and organizational attitudes in alternative employment: The role of contract and job preferences.
C Bernhard-Oettel, N De Cuyper, E Berntson, K Isaksson
International Journal of Stress Management 15 (4), 345, 2008
Retorik och praktik i rekryteringsprocessen
W Knocke, IB Drejhammar, L Gonäs, K Isaksson
Arbetslivsinstitutet, 2003
Verbal abuse in school. Constructions of gender among 14‐to 15‐year‐olds
MA Eliasson, K Isaksson, L Laflamme
Gender and Education 19 (5), 587-605, 2007
Corrosion of trust: Violation of psychological contracts as a reason for turnover amongst social workers
J Welander, W Astvik, K Isaksson
Nordic social work research 7 (1), 67-79, 2017
Anställda i uthyrningsföretag Vilka trivs och vilka vill sluta?
K Isaksson, K Bellaagh
rapport nr.: Arbete och Hälsa 1999: 07, 1999
Att avgränsa det gränslösa sjuksköterskearbetet
M Allvin, A Jacobson, K Isaksson
En intervjustudie om sjuksköterskors villkor och valmöjligheter i …, 2003
Uthyrd men fast anställd
K Bellaagh, K Isaksson
rapport nr.: Arbete och Hälsa 1999: 06, 1999
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Articles 1–20