Zhong Chen
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Cited by
Processing Chinese relative clauses: Evidence for the subject-relative advantage
S Vasishth, Z Chen, Q Li, G Guo
PloS one 8 (10), e77006, 2013
The subject-relative advantage in Chinese: Evidence for expectation-based processing
L Jäger, Z Chen, Q Li, CJC Lin, S Vasishth
Journal of Memory and Language 79, 97-120, 2015
Uncertainty in processing relative clauses across East Asian languages
J Yun, Z Chen, T Hunter, J Whitman, J Hale
Journal of East Asian Linguistics 24 (2), 113-148, 2015
How structure-sensitive is the parser? Evidence from Mandarin Chinese
Z Chen, L Jäger, S Vasishth
Empirical Approaches to Linguistic Theory: Studies of Meaning and Structure …, 2012
Structural expectations in Chinese relative clause comprehension
Z Chen, K Grove, J Hale
Proceedings of the 29th West Coast Conference on Formal Linguistics, 29-37, 2012
Assessing introspective linguistic judgments quantitatively: The case of The Syntax of Chinese
Z Chen, Y Xu, Z Xie
Journal of East Asian Linguistics 29 (3), 311-336, 2020
Reversing Ribot: Does regression hold in language of prodromal Alzheimer’s disease?
B Lust, S Flynn, JC Sherman, J Gair, CR Henderson Jr, C Cordella, ...
Brain and language 143, 1-10, 2015
Quantifying Structural and Non‐structural Expectations in Relative Clause Processing
Z Chen, J Hale
Cognitive Science 45 (1), e12927, 2021
Modeling sentence processing difficulty with a conditional probability calculator
Z Chen, T Hunter, J Yun, J Hale
Proceedings of the 36th annual cognitive science conference, 2014
Uncertainty reduction as a predictor of reading difficulty in Chinese relative clauses
Z Chen, L Jäger, J Hale
Proceedings of the 13th international symposium on Chinese languages and …, 2012
Animacy In Sentence Processing Across Languages: An Information-Theoretic Prospective
Z Chen
Eyetracking evidence for the subject relative advantage in mandarin
L Jäger, S Vasishth, Z Chen, C Lin
Annual CUNY Sentence Processing Conference, 2013
Structural-frequency affects processing cost: Evidence from Chinese relative clauses
Z Chen, L Jäger, Q Li, S Vasishth
Annual CUNY Sentence Processing Conference. New York, NY, 2012
Does the parser exclusively use structure-sensitive search in reflexives? Evidence from Mandarin Chinese
Z Chen, S Vasishth
Talk Presented at the 23nd Annual Meeting of the CUNY Conference on Human …, 2011
Academic verb knowledge of DHH college students and their hearing peers
GP Berent, RR Kelly, SP Rizzo, Z Chen, T Schueler-Choukairi, K Persky, ...
The Journal of Deaf Studies and Deaf Education 29 (2), 158-169, 2024
Deforesting logical form
Z Chen, JT Hale
The Mathematics of Language: 10th and 11th Biennial Conference, MOL 10, Los …, 2010
Using entropy to evaluate child language performance
Z Chen, MF Boston, JT Hale
CUNY, 2009
Modeling garden paths in a statistical dependency parser: Chinese, german, and english
MF Boston, Z Chen, JT Hale
Poster presented at the CUNY Human Sentence Processing Conference in Chapel …, 2008
DHH and L2 college students’ knowledge of English resultatives and depictives
RR Kelly, GP Berent, E Finton, T Schueler-Choukairi, S Van Horn, Z Chen, ...
Journal of Deaf Studies and Deaf Education, enae046, 2024
Parsing Chinese relative clauses with structural and non-structural cues
Z Chen, J Hale
Topics in Theoretical Asian Linguistics 250, 253, 2018
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Articles 1–20