Argyrios Zolotas
Argyrios Zolotas
Other namesArgyrios C. Zolotas, Argyris Zolotas
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Robust control of nonlinear MAGLEV suspension system with mismatched uncertainties via DOBC approach
J Yang, A Zolotas, WH Chen, K Michail, S Li
ISA transactions 50 (3), 389-396, 2011
Mixed-sensitivity approach to H∞ control of power system oscillations employing multiple facts devices
B Chaudhuri, BC Pal, AC Zolotas, IM Jaimoukha, TC Green
Power Systems, IEEE Transactions on 18 (3), 1149-1156, 2003
Optimized active disturbance rejection control for DC-DC buck converters with uncertainties using a reduced-order GPI observer
J Yang, H Cui, S Li, A Zolotas
IEEE Transactions on Circuits and Systems I: Regular Papers 65 (2), 832-841, 2018
A study on LQG/LTR control for damping inter-area oscillations in power systems
AC Zolotas, B Chaudhuri, IM Jaimoukha, P Korba
Control Systems Technology, IEEE Transactions on 15 (1), 151-160, 2007
Optimal design of PID controllers using the QFT method
AC Zolotas, GD Halikias
IEE Proceedings-Control Theory and Applications 146 (6), 585-589, 1999
Passive suspensions for ride quality improvement of two-axle railway vehicles
JZ Jiang, AZ Matamoros-Sanchez, A Zolotas, RM Goodall, MC Smith
Proceedings of the Institution of Mechanical Engineers, Part F: Journal of …, 2015
Model predictive control based on mixed ℋ2/ℋ∞ control approach for active vibration control of railway vehicles
PE Orukpe, X Zheng, IM Jaimoukha, AC Zolotas, RM Goodall
Vehicle System Dynamics 46 (S1), 151-160, 2008
AI-based actuator/sensor fault detection with low computational cost for industrial applications
K Michail, KM Deliparaschos, SG Tzafestas, AC Zolotas
IEEE Transactions on Control Systems Technology, 2015
Sustainable cities: The relationships between urban built forms and density indicators
E Ahmadian, B Sodagar, G Mills, H Byrd, C Bingham, A Zolotas
Cities 95, 102382, 2019
Integrated tilt with active lateral secondary suspension control for high speed railway vehicles
R Zhou, A Zolotas, R Goodall
Mechatronics 21 (6), 1108-1122, 2011
Modelling requirements for the design of active stability control strategies for a high speed bogie
AC Zolotas, JT Pearson, RM Goodall
Multibody System Dynamics 15, 51-66, 2006
Modelling and control of a high redundancy actuator
X Du, R Dixon, RM Goodall, AC Zolotas
Mechatronics 20 (1), 102-112, 2010
Advanced control strategies for tilting trains
AC Zolotas
Loughborough University, 2002
Assessment of the performance of tilt system controllers
RM Goodall, AC Zolotas, J Evans
Proceedings of the Railway Technology Conference IMechE. C 580, 231-239, 2000
Modelling and control of railway vehicle suspensions
AC Zolotas, RM Goodall
Mathematical Methods for Robust and Nonlinear Control: EPSRC Summer School …, 2007
Automated impact damage detection technique for composites based on thermographic image processing and machine learning classification
M Alhammad, NP Avdelidis, C Ibarra-Castanedo, ME Torbali, M Genest, ...
Sensors 22 (23), 9031, 2022
Sustainable aviation electrification: A comprehensive review of electric propulsion system architectures, energy management, and control
J Zhang, I Roumeliotis, A Zolotas
Sustainability 14 (10), 5880, 2022
Optimised sensor selection for control and fault tolerance of electromagnetic suspension systems: a robust loop shaping approach
K Michail, AC Zolotas, RM Goodall
ISA transactions 53 (1), 97-109, 2014
Hybrid terrain traversability analysis in off-road environments
THY Leung, D Ignatyev, A Zolotas
2022 8th International Conference on Automation, Robotics and Applications …, 2022
Nonlinear model predictive control-based optimal energy management for hybrid electric aircraft considering aerodynamics-propulsion coupling effects
J Zhang, I Roumeliotis, A Zolotas
IEEE Transactions on Transportation Electrification 8 (2), 2640-2653, 2021
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Articles 1–20