Vlad Negnevitsky
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Cited by
Encoding a qubit in a trapped-ion mechanical oscillator
C Flühmann, TL Nguyen, M Marinelli, V Negnevitsky, K Mehta, JP Home
Nature 566 (7745), 513-517, 2019
Compact ion-trap quantum computing demonstrator
I Pogorelov, T Feldker, CD Marciniak, L Postler, G Jacob, O Krieglsteiner, ...
PRX Quantum 2 (2), 020343, 2021
Quantum harmonic oscillator state synthesis by reservoir engineering
D Kienzler, HY Lo, B Keitch, L De Clercq, F Leupold, F Lindenfelser, ...
Science 347 (6217), 53-56, 2015
Assessing the progress of trapped-ion processors towards fault-tolerant quantum computation
A Bermudez, X Xu, R Nigmatullin, J O’Gorman, V Negnevitsky, ...
Physical Review X 7 (4), 041061, 2017
Precision atomic gravimeter based on Bragg diffraction
PA Altin, MT Johnsson, V Negnevitsky, GR Dennis, RP Anderson, ...
New Journal of Physics 15 (2), 023009, 2013
Repeated multi-qubit readout and feedback with a mixed-species trapped-ion register
V Negnevitsky, M Marinelli, KK Mehta, HY Lo, C Flühmann, JP Home
Nature 563 (7732), 527-531, 2018
Entangling logical qubits with lattice surgery
A Erhard, H Poulsen Nautrup, M Meth, L Postler, R Stricker, M Stadler, ...
Nature 589 (7841), 220-224, 2021
Observation of quantum interference between separated mechanical oscillator wave packets
D Kienzler, C Flühmann, V Negnevitsky, HY Lo, M Marinelli, D Nadlinger, ...
Physical review letters 116 (14), 140402, 2016
Spin–motion entanglement and state diagnosis with squeezed oscillator wavepackets
HY Lo, D Kienzler, L de Clercq, M Marinelli, V Negnevitsky, BC Keitch, ...
Nature 521 (7552), 336-339, 2015
Sequential modular position and momentum measurements of a trapped ion mechanical oscillator
C Flühmann, V Negnevitsky, M Marinelli, JP Home
Physical Review X 8 (2), 021001, 2018
All-solid-state continuous-wave laser systems for ionization, cooling and quantum state manipulation of beryllium ions
HY Lo, J Alonso, D Kienzler, BC Keitch, LE de Clercq, V Negnevitsky, ...
Applied Physics B 114, 17-25, 2014
Sustained state-independent quantum contextual correlations from a single ion
FM Leupold, M Malinowski, C Zhang, V Negnevitsky, A Cabello, J Alonso, ...
Physical review letters 120 (18), 180401, 2018
Wideband laser locking to an atomic reference with modulation transfer spectroscopy
V Negnevitsky, LD Turner
Optics express 21 (3), 3103-3113, 2013
Parallel transport quantum logic gates with trapped ions
LE de Clercq, HY Lo, M Marinelli, D Nadlinger, R Oswald, V Negnevitsky, ...
Physical review letters 116 (8), 080502, 2016
Portable magnetic resonance imaging of patients indoors, outdoors and at home
T Guallart-Naval, JM Algarín, R Pellicer-Guridi, F Galve, Y Vives-Gilabert, ...
Scientific reports 12 (1), 13147, 2022
Quantum harmonic oscillator state control in a squeezed fock basis
D Kienzler, HY Lo, V Negnevitsky, C Flühmann, M Marinelli, JP Home
Physical review letters 119 (3), 033602, 2017
Estimation of a general time-dependent Hamiltonian for a single qubit
LE De Clercq, R Oswald, C Flühmann, B Keitch, D Kienzler, HY Lo, ...
Nature communications 7 (1), 11218, 2016
Feedback-stabilised quantum states in a mixed-species ion system
V Negnevitsky
ETH Zurich, 2018
Cooling atomic ions with visible and infra-red light
F Lindenfelser, M Marinelli, V Negnevitsky, S Ragg, JP Home
New Journal of Physics 19 (6), 063041, 2017
Generation of a maximally entangled state using collective optical pumping
M Malinowski, C Zhang, V Negnevitsky, I Rojkov, F Reiter, TL Nguyen, ...
Physical Review Letters 128 (8), 080503, 2022
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Articles 1–20