David Martin
David Martin
Professor of Geography, University of Southampton
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Methods in human geography: a guide for students doing a research project
R Flowerdew, D Martin
Pearson Education, 2005
Geographic information systems: socioeconomic applications
D Martin
Routledge, 1995
Distance, rurality and the need for care: access to health services in South West England
H Jordan, P Roderick, D Martin, S Barnett
International Journal of Health Geographics 3 (1), 21, 2004
The generation of spatial population distributions from census centroid data
I Bracken, D Martin
Environment and Planning A 21 (4), 537-543, 1989
An assessment of surface and zonal models of population
D Martin
International Journal of Geographical Information Systems 10 (8), 973-989, 1996
Mapping population data from zone centroid locations
D Martin
Transactions of the Institute of British Geographers 14 (1), 90-97, 1989
The Index of Multiple Deprivation 2000 and accessibility effects on health
H Jordan, P Roderick, D Martin
Journal of Epidemiology & Community Health 58 (3), 250-257, 2004
Increasing the sophistication of access measurement in a rural healthcare study
D Martin, H Wrigley, S Barnett, P Roderick
Health & Place 8 (1), 3-13, 2002
Zone design for environment and health studies using pre-aggregated data
S Cockings, D Martin
Social Science & Medicine 60 (12), 2729-2742, 2005
Market-area analysis and accessibility to primary health-care centres
D Martin, H Williams
Environment and Planning A 24 (7), 1009-1019, 1992
A multilevel analysis of the effects of rurality and social deprivation on premature limiting long term illness
S Barnett, P Roderick, D Martin, I Diamond
Journal of Epidemiology & Community Health 55 (1), 44-51, 2001
Optimizing census geography: the separation of collection and output geographies
D Martin
International Journal of Geographical Information Science 12 (7), 673-685, 1998
Techniques for modelling population-related raster databases
D Martin, I Bracken
Environment and Planning A 23 (7), 1069-1075, 1991
Extending the automated zoning procedure to reconcile incompatible zoning systems
D Martin
International Journal of Geographical Information Science 17 (2), 181-196, 2003
Maintaining existing zoning systems using automated zone-design techniques: methods for creating the 2011 Census output geographies for England and Wales
S Cockings, A Harfoot, D Martin, D Hornby
Environment and Planning A 43 (10), 2399-2418, 2011
Urban expansion simulation of Southeast England using population surface modelling and cellular automata
F Wu, D Martin
Environment and Planning A 34 (10), 1855-1876, 2002
The application of zone-design methodology in the 2001 UK Census
D Martin, A Nolan, M Tranmer
Environment and Planning A 33 (11), 1949-1962, 2001
Refining population surface models: experiments with Northern Ireland census data
D Martin, NJ Tate, M Langford
Transactions in GIS 4 (4), 343-360, 2000
Linking censuses through time: problems and solutions
D Martin, D Dorling, R Mitchell
Area 34 (1), 82-91, 2002
Methods in Human Geography (Harlow, Longman)
R Flowerdew, D Martin
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Articles 1–20