Lisa J. Dettling
Lisa J. Dettling
Principal Economist, Federal Reserve Board
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Changes in US Family Finances from 2013 to 2016: Evidence from the Survey of Consumer Finances
J Bricker, ...
Federal Reserve Bulletin 103 (3), 1-41, 2017
Disparities in wealth by race and ethnicity in the 2019 survey of consumer finances
N Bhutta, AC Chang, LJ Dettling
House prices and birth rates: The impact of the real estate market on the decision to have a baby
LJ Dettling, MS Kearney
Journal of Public Economics 110, 82-100, 2014
Broadband in the labor market: The impact of residential high-speed internet on married women’s labor force participation
LJ Dettling
Ilr Review 70 (2), 451-482, 2017
Recent Trends in Wealth-holding by Race and Ethnicity: Evidence from The Survey of Consumer Finances
L Dettling, J Hsu, L Jacobs, KB Moore, J Thompson
Board of Governors of the Federal Reserve System, 2017
Changes in US Family Finances from 2016 to 2019: Evidence from the Survey of Consumer FinancesChanges.
N Bhutta, J Bricker, AC Chang, LJ Dettling, S Goodman, JW Hsu, ...
Federal Reserve Bulletin 106 (5), 2020
Returning to the nest: Debt and parental co-residence among young adults
LJ Dettling, JW Hsu
Labour Economics 54, 225-236, 2018
Taking it to the limit: Effects of increased student loan availability on attainment, earnings, and financial well-being
SE Black, JT Denning, LJ Dettling, S Goodman, LJ Turner
American Economic Review 113 (12), 3357-3400, 2023
COVID-19, the CARES Act, and Families' Financial Security
N Bhutta, J Blair, L Dettling, K Moore
National Tax Journal 73 (3), 645-672, 2020
Every little bit counts: The impact of high-speed internet on the transition to college
LJ Dettling, S Goodman, J Smith
Review of Economics and Statistics 100 (2), 260-273, 2018
Minimum wages and consumer credit: Effects on access and borrowing
LJ Dettling, JW Hsu
The Review of Financial Studies 34 (5), 2549-2579, 2021
Comparing micro and macro sources for household accounts in the United States: evidence from the Survey of Consumer Finances
LJ Dettling, S Devlin-Foltz, J Krimmel, S Pack, JP Thompson
FEDS working paper, 2015
The state of young adults’ balance sheets: Evidence from the survey of consumer finances
LJ Dettling, JW Hsu
Federal Reserve Bank of St. Louis Review 96 (4), 305-330, 2014
Money in the Bank? Assessing Families' Liquid Savings using the Survey of Consumer Finances
N Bhutta, L Dettling
The smart money is in cash? Financial literacy and liquid savings among US families
N Bhutta, J Blair, L Dettling
Journal of Accounting and Public Policy 42 (2), 107000, 2023
Why is the default rate so low? How economic conditions and public policies have shaped mortgage and auto delinquencies during the COVID-19 pandemic
L Dettling, L Lambie-Hanson
Monetary policy and birth rates: the effect of mortgage rate pass-through on fertility
F Cumming, L Dettling
Review of Economic Studies 91 (1), 229-258, 2024
Stress testing household debt
N Bhutta, J Bricker, LJ Dettling, J Kelliher, S Laufer
Journal of Credit Risk 16 (3), 2020
A wealthless recovery? Asset ownership and the uneven recovery from the great recession
LJ Dettling, JW Hsu, E Llanes
FEDS Notes, 13, 2018
Millennials and the Future of Work
M Burke, A Sundararajan, C Lagarde, M Soto, N Riad, L Dettling, JW Hsu, ...
International Monetary Fund, Hrsg.) In: Finance & Development 54 (2), 4-27, 2017
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