Ilya Monosov
Ilya Monosov
Washington University School of Medicine
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The basal forebrain regulates global resting-state fMRI fluctuations
J Turchi, C Chang, QY Frank, BE Russ, KY David, CR Cortes, IE Monosov, ...
Neuron 97 (4), 940-952. e4, 2018
Optogenetic inactivation modifies monkey visuomotor behavior
J Cavanaugh, IE Monosov, K McAlonan, R Berman, MK Smith, V Cao, ...
Neuron 76 (5), 901-907, 2012
What and where information in the caudate tail guides saccades to visual objects
S Yamamoto, IE Monosov, M Yasuda, O Hikosaka
Journal of Neuroscience 32 (32), 11005-11016, 2012
Regionally distinct processing of rewards and punishments by the primate ventromedial prefrontal cortex
IE Monosov, O Hikosaka
Journal of Neuroscience 32 (30), 10318-10330, 2012
Measurements of simultaneously recorded spiking activity and local field potentials suggest that spatial selection emerges in the frontal eye field
IE Monosov, JC Trageser, KG Thompson
Neuron 57 (4), 614-625, 2008
Anterior cingulate is a source of valence-specific information about value and uncertainty
IE Monosov
Nature communications 8 (1), 134, 2017
A neural network for information seeking
JK White, ES Bromberg-Martin, SR Heilbronner, K Zhang, J Pai, ...
Nature communications 10 (1), 5168, 2019
An open resource for non-human primate optogenetics
S Tremblay, L Acker, A Afraz, DL Albaugh, H Amita, AR Andrei, ...
Neuron 108 (6), 1075-1090. e6, 2020
Selective and graded coding of reward uncertainty by neurons in the primate anterodorsal septal region
IE Monosov, O Hikosaka
Nature neuroscience 16 (6), 756-762, 2013
Anterior cingulate cortex and the control of dynamic behavior in primates
IE Monosov, SN Haber, EC Leuthardt, A Jezzini
Current Biology 30 (23), R1442-R1454, 2020
How outcome uncertainty mediates attention, learning, and decision-making
IE Monosov
Trends in neurosciences 43 (10), 795-809, 2020
Frontal eye field activity enhances object identification during covert visual search
IE Monosov, KG Thompson
Journal of neurophysiology 102 (6), 3656-3672, 2009
Neural circuitry of information seeking
ES Bromberg-Martin, IE Monosov
Current Opinion in Behavioral Sciences 35, 62-70, 2020
Neurons in the primate medial basal forebrain signal combined information about reward uncertainty, value, and punishment anticipation
IE Monosov, DA Leopold, O Hikosaka
Journal of Neuroscience 35 (19), 7443-7459, 2015
Novelty, salience, and surprise timing are signaled by neurons in the basal forebrain
K Zhang, CD Chen, IE Monosov
Current Biology 29 (1), 134-142. e3, 2019
A prefrontal network integrates preferences for advance information about uncertain rewards and punishments
A Jezzini, ES Bromberg-Martin, LR Trambaiolli, SN Haber, IE Monosov
Neuron 109 (14), 2339-2352. e5, 2021
Paired neuron recordings in the prefrontal and inferotemporal cortices reveal that spatial selection precedes object identification during visual search
IE Monosov, DL Sheinberg, KG Thompson
Proceedings of the National Academy of Sciences 107 (29), 13105-13110, 2010
A primate temporal cortex–zona incerta pathway for novelty seeking
T Ogasawara, F Sogukpinar, K Zhang, YY Feng, J Pai, A Jezzini, ...
Nature neuroscience 25 (1), 50-60, 2022
Interactions between ventrolateral prefrontal and anterior cingulate cortex during learning and behavioural change
IE Monosov, MFS Rushworth
Neuropsychopharmacology 47 (1), 196-210, 2022
Neurons in the primate dorsal striatum signal the uncertainty of object–reward associations
JK White, IE Monosov
Nature communications 7 (1), 12735, 2016
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Articles 1–20