Florian Marthaler
Florian Marthaler
Research associate
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Cited by
The reference system in the model of PGE: proposing a generalized description of reference products and their interrelations
A Albers, S Rapp, M Spadinger, T Richter, C Birk, F Marthaler, J Heimicke, ...
Proceedings of the design society: international conference on engineering …, 2019
A systematic approach to situation-adequate mechatronic system development by ASD-Agile Systems Design
A Albers, J Heimicke, M Spadinger, N Reiss, J Breitschuh, T Richter, ...
Procedia CIRP 84, 1015-1022, 2019
Comparison of existing agile approaches in the context of mechatronic system development: potentials and limits in implementation
J Heimicke, M Niever, V Zimmermann, M Klippert, F Marthaler, A Albers
Proceedings of the Design Society: International Conference on Engineering …, 2019
Eine systematik zur situationsadäquaten mechatroniksystementwicklung durch asd-agile systems design
A Albers, J Heimicke, M Spadinger, N Reiß, J Breitschuh, T Richter, ...
Karlsruher Institut für Technologie (KIT), 2019
Training responsible engineers. Phronesis and the role of virtues in teaching engineering ethics
G Frigo, F Marthaler, A Albers, S Ott, R Hillerbrand
Australasian Journal of Engineering Education 26 (1), 25-37, 2021
The reference system in PGE-Product Generation Engineering: a generalized understanding of the role of reference products and their influence on the development process
A Albers, S Rapp, M Spadinger, T Richter, C Birk, F Marthaler, J Heimicke, ...
Proceedings of 22nd international conference on engineering design ICED 2019, 2019
Industrie 4.0–An empirical and literature-based study how product development is influenced by the digital transformation
M Klippert, F Marthaler, M Spadinger, A Albers
Procedia CIRP 91, 80-86, 2020
PGE-Produktgenerationsentwicklung und Zukunftsvorausschau: Eine systematische Betrachtung zur Ermittlung der Zusammenhänge
A Albers, R Dumitrescu, F Marthaler, AA Albers, D Kühfuss, M Strauch, ...
14. Symposium für Vorausschau und Technologieplanung (SVT), 2018
Developing a common understanding of business models from the product development perspective
A Albers, GN Basedow, J Heimicke, F Marthaler, M Spadinger, S Rapp
Procedia CIRP 91, 875-882, 2020
An explorative approach to deriving future scenarios: A first comparison of the consistency matrix-based and the catalog-based approach to generating future scenarios
F Marthaler, JW Gesk, A Siebe, A Albers
Procedia CIRP 91, 883-892, 2020
Zukunftsorientierte PGE–Produktgenerationsentwicklung: Ein Ansatz zur systematischen Überführung von Szenarien in Produktprofile in der Frühen Phase der PGE
T Hirschter, N Heitger, F Haug, J Fahl, C Mandel, F Marthaler, B Walter, ...
Symposium für Vorausschau und Technologieplanung (SVT), 2018
Zukunftsorientierte Produktentwicklung: eine Systematik zur Ableitung von generationsübergreifenden Zielsystemen zukünftiger Produktgenerationen durch strategische Vorausschau
F Marthaler
IPEK, Institut für Produktentwicklung, 2021
Forcing creativity in agile innovation processes through ASD-innovation coaching
A Albers, C Hahn, M Niever, J Heimicke, F Marthaler, M Spadinger
Proceedings of the Sixth International Conference on Design Creativity (ICDC …, 2020
Eine Systematik zur zukunftsorientierten Produktentwicklung: Generationsübergreifende Ableitung von Produktprofilen zukünftiger Produktgenerationen durch strategische Vorausschau
A Albers, F Marthaler, M Schlegel, C Thümmel, M Kübler, A Siebe
Karlsruher Institut für Technologie (KIT), 2022
Strategische Potentialfindung zur generationsübergreifenden Produktentwicklung mit langfristigem Zeithorizont: Eine qualitative Studie im Live-Lab IP–Integrierte Produktentwicklung
F Marthaler, E Orsolani, P Uhlig, D Kühlfuss, A Siebe, N Bursac, A Albers
5. Stuttgarter Symposium für Produktentwicklung (SSP), 2019
The Future of Innovation Coaching in Product Engineering: A Systematic Approach to Deriving the Future Competence Profile and Its Development Through Strategic Potential …
M Niever, F Marthaler, M Kosejian, CH Hahn, A Albers
CERC, 299-310, 2019
Development methods for 2030: An interpretation of the scenarios of the method application
A Albers, N Bursac, F Marthaler, A Siebe, N Reiß, T Hirschter
DS 91: Proceedings of NordDesign 2018, Linköping, Sweden, 14th-17th August 2018, 2018
The world is complex therefore our research is needed-using data mining for literature reviews
A Albers, N Bursac, V Butenko, F Marthaler, Q Zhang
DS 92: Proceedings of the DESIGN 2018 15th International Design Conference, 1-12, 2018
Future-oriented product engineering through environment scenarios by using the example of future forms of mobility in urban living spaces
F Marthaler, S Stehle, A Siebe, A Albers
DS 101: Proceedings of NordDesign 2020, Lyngby, Denmark, 12th-14th August …, 2020
Future-oriented PGE-product generation engineering: an attempt to increase the future user acceptance through foresight in product engineering using the example of the iPhone …
F Marthaler, S Stahl, A Siebe, N Bursac, M Spadinger, A Albers
Proceedings of the Design Society: International Conference on Engineering …, 2019
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Articles 1–20