Hyojin Kim
Hyojin Kim
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When buyer‐driven knowledge transfer activities really work: A motivation–opportunity–ability perspective
H Kim, D Hur, T Schoenherr
Journal of Supply Chain Management 51 (3), 33-60, 2015
The dark side of supply chain digitalisation: supplier-perceived digital capability asymmetry, buyer opportunism and governance
BG Son, H Kim, D Hur, N Subramanian
International Journal of Operations & Production Management 41 (7), 1220-1247, 2021
Interorganizational information processing and the contingency effects of buyer-incurred uncertainty in a supplier's component development project
S Hwang, H Kim, D Hur, T Schoenherr
International Journal of Production Economics 210, 169-183, 2019
Feeling torn? The conflicting effects of market and entrepreneurial orientations on manufacturing SMEs' innovation performance
H Kim, D Hur
European Journal of Innovation Management 27 (1), 233-262, 2024
구매기업의 지식기반 공급자개발활동이 공급기업의 사회적 자본, 지식습득 및 운영성과에 미치는 영향
허대식, 김효진, 민순홍
한국생산관리학회지 24 (2), 185-215, 2013
구매기업의 공급기업관계지향성이 공급기업 통합활동과운영성과 개선에 미치는 영향: 전자, 수송, 기계 산업을 중심으로
김인희, 김효진, 허대식, 민순홍
한국생산관리학회지 26 (2), 149-171, 2015
R&D 의 내부통합과 기능 간 협업이 신제품 혁신성 및 신제품 개발 성과에 미치는 영향: 한국의 기술혁신형 중소기업을 중심으로
허대식, 김효진, 최종철
한국생산관리학회지 27 (1), 1-25, 2016
구매기업의 공급기업 통합이 시장대응성에 미치는 효과: 내부통합과 가치일치성의 조절효과를 중심으로
허대식, 김효진
한국생산관리학회지 26 (4), 485-510, 2015
The Effects of Korean Large Firms' Knowledge-Based Supplier Development on Their Suppliers' Operational Performance
DS Hur, HJ Kim
Yonsei Business Review 52 (2), 279-308, 2015
Supplier development as knowledge transfer routines: Managerial versus operational knowledge
D Hur, H Kim
Academy of Management Proceedings 2014 (1), 12387, 2014
Supplier development at LG electronics: enhancing the stability, sustainability, and competitiveness of the supply base
H Kim, D Hur, T Schoenherr
산업재 공급기업의 힘의 원천이 구매기업의 관계몰입 및 공급기업 통합활동에 미치는 영향
허대식, 김효진, 안경선
유통연구 20 (4), 23-52, 2015
How control mechanisms make directed sourcing work: Motivation and coordination Concerns
H Kim, D Hur
Academy of Management Proceedings 2015 (1), 15999, 2015
공급망에서 사급 (賜給) 거래 계약이 1 차 협력사의 운영성과에 미치는 영향
양진석, 김효진, 허대식, 민순홍
한국생산관리학회지 25 (4), 319-342, 2014
Environmental Multi‐dimensionality and Staff Localization in Multinational Enterprises: The Case of Korean Firms
Y Baik, H Kim, YR Park
Canadian Journal of Administrative Sciences/Revue Canadienne des Sciences de …, 2021
제조기업의 고객기업 통합과 공급기업 통합이물류성과에 미치는 영향
허대식, 김효진, 이은지
로지스틱스연구 23 (4), 15-35, 2015
The Effects of Supply Network's Social Capitals on Sustainable Supply Network Management Project and Its Performance
H Kim, J Oh, D Hur
Journal of Korean Society of Industrial and Systems Engineering 45 (3), 214-227, 2022
고객기업의 힘이 공급기업의 고객기업 통합활동과 운영성과 향상에 미치는 영향
허대식, 김효진, 안경선
한국경영과학회지 40 (3), 1-21, 2015
A Empirical Study of Effects of a Supplier’s Power on a Buyer’s Relational Commitment and Integration with the Supplier
D Hur, H Kim, K Ahn
Journal of Channel and Retailing 20 (4), 23-52, 2015
An Empirical Study of the Effects of a Customer's Power on a Supplier's Customer Integration and Operational Performance Improvement
D Hur, H Kim, K Ahn
Journal of the Korean Operations Research and Management Science Society 40 …, 2015
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Articles 1–20