Carmen Revenga
Cited by
Cited by
Global biodiversity: indicators of recent declines
SHM Butchart, M Walpole, B Collen, A Van Strien, JPW Scharlemann, ...
Science 328 (5982), 1164-1168, 2010
Fragmentation and flow regulation of the world's large river systems
C Nilsson, CA Reidy, M Dynesius, C Revenga
science 308 (5720), 405-408, 2005
Scenarios for global biodiversity in the 21st century
HM Pereira, PW Leadley, V Proença, R Alkemade, JPW Scharlemann, ...
Science 330 (6010), 1496-1501, 2010
Freshwater ecoregions of the world: a new map of biogeographic units for freshwater biodiversity conservation
R Abell, ML Thieme, C Revenga, M Bryer, M Kottelat, N Bogutskaya, ...
BioScience 58 (5), 403-414, 2008
High‐resolution mapping of the world's reservoirs and dams for sustainable river‐flow management
B Lehner, CR Liermann, C Revenga, C Vörösmarty, B Fekete, P Crouzet, ...
Frontiers in Ecology and the Environment 9 (9), 494-502, 2011
Assessing the global threat of invasive species to marine biodiversity
JL Molnar, RL Gamboa, C Revenga, MD Spalding
Frontiers in Ecology and the Environment 6 (9), 485-492, 2008
Overfishing of inland waters
JD Allan, R Abell, ZEB Hogan, C Revenga, BW Taylor, RL Welcomme, ...
BioScience 55 (12), 1041-1051, 2005
Urban growth, climate change, and freshwater availability
RI McDonald, P Green, D Balk, BM Fekete, C Revenga, M Todd, ...
Proceedings of the National Academy of Sciences 108 (15), 6312-6317, 2011
Freshwater systems
C Revenga, J Brunner, N Henninger, K Kassem, R Payne
World Resources Institute, 2000
A pilot global assessment of environmental water requirements and scarcity
V Smakhtin, C Revenga, P Döll
Water international 29 (3), 307-317, 2004
Lost in development's shadow: The downstream human consequences of dams
BD Richter, S Postel, C Revenga, T Scudder, B Lehner, A Churchill, ...
Water alternatives 3 (2), 14, 2010
Geospatial indicators of emerging water stress: an application to Africa
CJ Vörösmarty, EM Douglas, PA Green, C Revenga
AMBIO: A journal of the Human Environment 34 (3), 230-236, 2005
Prospects for monitoring freshwater ecosystems towards the 2010 targets
C Revenga, I Campbell, R Abell, P De Villiers, M Bryer
Philosophical Transactions of the Royal Society B: Biological Sciences 360 …, 2005
Pilot analysis of global ecosystems: coastal ecosystems
L Burke, Y Kura
Managing water for people and nature
N Johnson, C Revenga, J Echeverria
Science 292 (5519), 1071-1072, 2001
Watersheds of the world: ecological value and vulnerability.
C Revenga, S Murray, J Abramovitz, A Hammond
Tracking progress toward the 2010 biodiversity target and beyond
M Walpole, REA Almond, C Besançon, SHM Butchart, ...
Science 325 (5947), 1503-1504, 2009
Fresh water
CJ Vörösmarty, C Léveque, C Revenga, R Bos, C Caudill, J Chilton, ...
Ecosystems and Human Well-Being: Current States and Trends, Millenium …, 2005
Linking freshwater fishery management to global food security and biodiversity conservation
PB McIntyre, CA Reidy Liermann, C Revenga
Proceedings of the National Academy of Sciences 113 (45), 12880-12885, 2016
Establishing IUCN red list criteria for threatened ecosystems
JP Rodríguez, KM RODRÍGUEZ‐CLARK, JEM Baillie, N Ash, J Benson, ...
Conservation Biology 25 (1), 21-29, 2011
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Articles 1–20