pochet philippe
pochet philippe
european trade union institute, university of Louvain
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The open method of co-ordination in action The European Employment and Social Inclusion Strategies
J Zeitlin, P Pochet, L with Magnusson
PIE/Peter Lang, 2005
Social pacts in Europe-new dynamics
G Fajertag, P Pochet
ETUI: European Trade Union Institute, 2000
Social benchmarking, policy making and new governance in the EU
C Porte, P Pochet, BG Room
Journal of European Social Policy 11 (4), 291-307, 2001
Building social Europe through the open method of coordination
C Porte, P Pochet
PIE/Peter Lang, 2002
The European Employment Strategy: existing research and remaining questions
C De la Porte, P Pochet
Journal of European Social Policy 14 (1), 71-78, 2004
The Open Method of Coordination and social Europe: An historical perspective
P Pochet
Zeitlin, J. and Pochet, P. with Magnusson, L.(eds.), The Open Method of …, 2005
L'État social actif: vers un changement de paradigme?
pochet philippe Vielle, Pascale cassiers Isabelle
Peter Lang, 2005
The Euro crisis and its impact on national and European social policies
C Degryse, M Jepsen, P Pochet
ETUI Working Paper 2013.05, 2013
Why and how (still) study the Open Method of Co-ordination (OMC)?
C De la Porte, P Pochet
Journal of European social policy 22 (3), 336-349, 2012
What's wrong with EU2020?
P Pochet
ETUI: European Trade Union Institute, 2010
Supple co-ordination at EU level and the key actors’ involvement
C De la Porte, P Pochet
De la Porte, C., and Pochet. P., Building Social Europe Through the Open …, 2002
Participation in the Open Method of Co-ordination
C de la Porte, P Pochet
The Open Method of Co-ordination in Action, 351-89, 2005
Employment and social policy since Maastricht: Standing up to the European Monetary Union
J Jenson, P Pochet
Year of the Euro, Nanovic Institute for European Studies, University of …, 2002
After the euro and enlargement: social pacts in the EU
P Pochet, M Keune, D Natali
ETUI, 2010
The platform economy and social law: Key issues in comparative perspective
I Daugareilh, C Degryse, P Pochet
ETUI Research Paper-Working Paper, 2019
The evolution of social pacts in the EMU era: what type of institutionalization?
D Natali, P Pochet
European Journal of Industrial Relations 15 (2), 147-166, 2009
Social pacts in Europe in the 1990s. Towards a European social pact?
G Fajertag, P Pochet
Social Pacts in Europe, European Trade Union Institute and Observatoire …, 1997
Why trade unions seek to coordinate wages and collective bargaining in the Eurozone: past developments and future prospects
V Glassner, P Pochet
ETUI Working Paper 2011.03, 2011
The European sectoral social dialogue
A Dufresne, C Degryse, P Pochet
Actors, Developments and Challenges. Brussels: PIE-Peter Lang, 2006
Monetary Union and collective bargaining in Europe
P Pochet
Peter Lang, 1999
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