Dr Catherine Bridge
Dr Catherine Bridge
A/Professor, Built Environment, UNSW
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Downsizing amongst older Australians
B Judd, E Liu, H Easthope, L Davy, C Bridge
Australian Housing and Urban Research Institute, 2014
Housing assistance and non-shelter outcomes
C Bridge, P Flatau, S Whelan, G Wood, J Yates
AHURI Final Report No. 40, 2003
Housing design and community care: How home modifications reduce care needs of older people and people with disability
P Carnemolla, C Bridge
International journal of environmental research and public health 16 (11), 1951, 2019
A scoping review of home modification interventions–Mapping the evidence base
P Carnemolla, C Bridge
Indoor and built environment 29 (3), 299-310, 2020
Housing and care for younger and older adults with disabilities
C Bridge, H Kendig, S Quine, A Parsons
Moving to my home: housing aspirations, transitions and outcomes of people with disability
I Wiesel, C Laragy, S Gendera, KR Fisher, S Jenkinson, T Hill, K Finch, ...
AHURI Final Report 246, 2015
Reverse mortgages and older people: growth factors and implications for retirement decisions
C Bridge, T Adams, P Phibbs, M Mathews, H Kendig
Accessible housing and health-related quality of life: Measurements of wellbeing outcomes following home modifications
P Carnemolla, C Bridge
ArchNet-IJAR: International Journal of Architectural Research 10 (2), 38, 2016
Housing policy for a
H Kendig, C Bridge
Longevity and social change in Australia, 219, 2007
Age-specific housing and care for low to moderate income older people
CE Bridge, L Davy, B Judd, P Flatau, AG Morris, P Phibbs
Australia Housing and Urban Research Institute, 2011
Home modification guidelines as recommended by visually impaired people
A Riazi, M Ying Boon, C Bridge, SJ Dain
Journal of Assistive Technologies 6 (4), 270-284, 2012
The costs and benefits of using private housing as the ‘home base’for care for older people: a systematic literature review
C Bridge, P Phibbs, H Kendig, M Mathews, H Bartlett
The costs and benefits of using private housing as the ‘home base’for care for older people: secondary data analysis
C Bridge, P Phibbs, H Kendig, M Mathews, B Cooper
Protocol guidelines for systematic reviews of home modification information to inform best practice
C Bridge, P Phibbs
NSW: Faculties of Health Science and Architecture, University of Sydney …, 2003
Kimberley regional aboriginal health plan: aboriginal health in the Kimberley: current circumstances and future directions
D Atkinson, C Bridge, D Gray
Office of Aboriginal Health, Department of Health, 1999
Dementia design guidelines: Home and community care capital works program
L Hodges, CE Bridge, K Chaudhary
Home Modification Information Clearinghouse, University of Sydney, 2006
Housing and older people: Environments, professional and positive ageing
C Bridge, H Kendig
Contemporary Issues in Gerontology, 144-166, 2012
Home Modifications and their impact on waged care substitution
P Carnemolla, C Bridge
Home Modification Information Clearinghouse, 2011
Home maintenance and modification information needs and evidence based practice solutions in NSW
C Bridge, M Flynn
Joint paper presented at National Housing Conference, Adelaide, Australia, 2003
Impacts of new and emerging assistive technologies for ageing and disabled housing
C Bridge, F Zmudzki, T Huang, C Owen, D Faulkner
AHURI Final Report, 2021
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Articles 1–20