Ondřej Hrstka
Ondřej Hrstka
PhD student CTU FEE
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Cited by
Agent-based model of maritime traffic in piracy-affected waters
O Vaněk, M Jakob, O Hrstka, M Pěchouček
Transportation research part C: emerging technologies 36, 157-176, 2013
Using multi-agent simulation to improve the security of maritime transit
O Vaněk, M Jakob, O Hrstka, M Pěchouček
Multi-Agent-Based Simulation XII: International Workshop, MABS 2011, Taipei …, 2012
Agents vs. pirates: multi-agent simulation and optimization to fight maritime piracy.
M Jakob, O Vanek, O Hrstka, M Pechoucek
AAMAS, 37-44, 2012
Search for optimization method on multidimensional real domains
O Hrstka, A Kucerová
Contributions to Mechanics of Materials and Structures. CTU Reports 4, 87-104, 2000
Adversarial modeling and reasoning in the maritime domain year 2 report
M Jakob, O Vanek, B Bošanský, O Hrstka, M Pechoucek
Technical report, ATG, CTU, Prague, 2010
Improving group transit schemes to minimize negative effects of maritime piracy
O Vaněk, O Hrstka, M Pěchouček
IEEE Transactions on Intelligent Transportation Systems 15 (3), 1101-1112, 2014
Optimizing group transit in the Gulf of Aden
O Hrstka, O Vanek
15th International Student Conference on Electrical Engineering, 2011
Agent-based approach to illegal maritime behavior modeling
O Hrstka, O Vaňek, Š Kopřiva, J Zelinka, J Faigl, M Pěchouček
Zeszyty Naukowe Akademii Morskiej w Szczecinie, 101-111, 2015
Novel mobility model for indoor conference scenarios
L Subrt, P Pechac, O Hrstka, V Micka, J Vokrinek
The 8th European Conference on Antennas and Propagation (EuCAP 2014), 2136-2137, 2014
AgentC: agent-based system for securing maritime transit.
M Jakob, O Vanˇek, B Bosanský, O Hrstka, M Pˇechoucek
AAMAS, 1309-1310, 2011
Modeling maritime contraband trafficking activities with the agent-based approach
O Vaněk, Š Kopřiva, J Ondráček, O Hrstka, M Pěchouček
Meeting Security Challenges Through Data Analytics and Decision Support, 168-183, 2016
ARETHUS–A Decision Support Platform for Reasoning About Security
O Vaněk, Š Kopřiva, O Hrstka, M Pěchouček
Meeting Security Challenges Through Data Analytics and Decision Support, 184-202, 2016
Bi-objective maritime route planning in pirate-infested waters
O Vaňek, O Hrstka, Š Kopřiva, J Faigl, M Pěchouček
Zeszyty Naukowe Akademii Morskiej w Szczecinie, 2015
Inteligentní sledovací algoritmy pro bezpečnost v přístavech
O Hrstka
České vysoké učení technické v Praze. Vypočetní a informační centrum., 2013
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Articles 1–14