Ekaterina Jardim
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Cited by
Minimum-wage increases and low-wage employment: Evidence from Seattle
E Jardim, MC Long, R Plotnick, E Van Inwegen, J Vigdor, H Wething
American Economic Journal: Economic Policy 14 (2), 263-314, 2022
Minimum wage increases and individual employment trajectories
E Jardim, MC Long, R Plotnick, E van Inwegen, J Vigdor, H Wething
National Bureau of Economic Research, 2018
How Prevalent Is Downward Rigidity in Nominal Wages? Evidence from Payroll Records in Washington State
ES Jardim, G Solon, JL Vigdor
National Bureau of Economic Research, 2019
Payroll, revenue, and labor demand effects of the minimum wage
E Jardim, E van Inwegen
Upjohn Institute, 2019
Identification and Estimation of Continuous-Time Job Search Models with Preference Shocks
P Arcidiacono, A Gyetvai, A Maurel, ES Jardim
National Bureau of Economic Research, 2022
Responding to an Increased Minimum Wage: A Mixed Methods Study of Child Care Businesses during the Implementation of Seattle's Minimum Wage Ordinance
JJ Otten, K Getts, A Althauser, J Buszkiewicz, E Jardim, HD Hill, J Romich, ...
Social Work & Society 16 (1), 2018
The impact of labor market conditions on job creation: evidence from firm level data.
E Roshchina
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Articles 1–7