Edward Jones
Cited by
Cited by
Profit measurement and UK accounting standards: a case of increasing disharmony in relation to US GAAP and IASs
P Weetman, EAE Jones, CA Adams, SJ Gray
Accounting and Business Research 28 (3), 189-208, 1998
Reducing the burden of US GAAP reconciliations by foreign companies listed in the United States: the key question of materiality
CA Adams, P Weetman, EAE Jones, SJ Gray
European Accounting Review 8 (1), 1-22, 1999
Measuring growth opportunities
J Danbolt, I Hirst, E Jones
Applied Financial Economics 12 (3), 203-212, 2002
Company investment announcements and the market value of the firm
E Jones*, J Danbolt, I Hirst
The European Journal of Finance 10 (5), 437-452, 2004
Disclosure by Indian companies following corporate governance reform
S Abraham, C Marston, E Jones
Journal of Applied Accounting Research 16 (1), 114-137, 2015
Managerial sentiment, consumer confidence and sector returns
A Salhin, M Sherif, E Jones
International Review of Financial Analysis 47, 24-38, 2016
The growth companies puzzle: can growth opportunities measures predict firm growth?
J Danbolt, IRC Hirst, E Jones
The European Journal of Finance 17 (1), 1-25, 2011
Corporate governance codes and the supply of corporate information in the UK
L Sheridan, E Jones, C Marston
Corporate Governance: An International Review 14 (5), 497-503, 2006
R&D project announcements and the impact of ownership structure
E Jones, J Danbolt
Applied Economics Letters 10 (14), 933-936, 2003
Empirical evidence on the determinants of the stock market reaction to product and market diversification announcements
EAE Jones*, J Danbolt
Applied Financial Economics 15 (9), 623-629, 2005
Required rates of return for corporate investment appraisal in the presence of growth opportunities
IRC Hirst, J Danbolt, E Jones
European Financial Management 14 (5), 989-1006, 2008
Joint venture investments and the market value of the firm
E Jones*, J Danbolt
Applied Financial Economics 14 (18), 1325-1331, 2004
Shareholders and managers as principal-agent hierarchies and cooperative teams
M Kiefer, EAE Jones, AT Adams
Qualitative Research in Financial Markets 9 (1), 48-71, 2017
The stock market reaction to changes to credit ratings of US-listed banks
EAE Jones, Q Mulet-Marquis
Centre for Finance and Investment Discussion Paper Series DP2013-AEF03 …, 2013
Strategic archetypes, credit ratings, and cost of debt
M Dang, P Puwanenthiren, E Jones, TQ Nguyen, XV Vo, S Nadarajah
Economic Modelling 114, 105917, 2022
How does internationalization affect capital raising decisions? Evidence from UK firms
E Jones, NA Kwansa, H Li
Journal of Multinational Financial Management 57, 100652, 2020
Excess cash holdings, stock returns, and investment organicity: evidence from UK investment announcements
E Jones, H Li, O Adamolekun
Abacus 58 (4), 603-647, 2022
Country uncertainty, power distance, and payment methods in acquisitions
M Dang, VA Hoang, E Jones, D Henry, PU Le, P Puwanenthiren
The European Journal of Finance 28 (16), 1541-1570, 2022
Gaming the FTSE 100 index
J Danbolt, I Hirst, E Jones
The British Accounting Review 50 (4), 364-378, 2018
Measuring growth opportunities
J Danbolt, IRC Hirst, EAE Jones
Available at SSRN 244371, 2000
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Articles 1–20