Estelle Dumont
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Cited by
Structure and Transport of the North Atlantic Current in the Eastern Subpolar Gyre From Sustained Glider Observations
L Houpert, ME Inall, E Dumont, S Gary, C Johnson, M Porter, WE Johns, ...
Journal of Geophysical Research: Oceans 123 (8), 6019-6038, 2018
Deep drivers of mesoscale circulation in the central Rockall Trough
TJ Sherwin, D Aleynik, E Dumont, ME Inall
Ocean Science 11 (3), 343, 2015
Decadal-scale impacts of a segmented, shore-parallel breakwater system
TJ Dolphin, CE Vincent, JC Bacon, E Dumont, A Terentjeva
Coastal Engineering 66, 24-34, 2012
AUV observations of mixing in the tidal outflow from a Scottish sea loch
T Boyd, M Inall, E Dumont, C Griffiths
Autonomous Underwater Vehicles (AUV), 2010 IEEE/OES, 1-9, 2010
Transports and pathways of overflow water in the Rockall Trough
C Johnson, T Sherwin, S Cunningham, E Dumont, L Houpert, NP Holliday
Deep Sea Research Part I: Oceanographic Research Papers 122, 48-59, 2017
Cooling of the West Spitsbergen Current: AUV-based turbulence measurements west of Svalbard
E Steele, T Boyd, M Inall, E Dumont, C Griffiths
Autonomous Underwater Vehicles (AUV), 2012 IEEE/OES, 1-7, 2012
EGO: towards a global glider infrastructure for the benefit of marine research and operational oceanography
P Testor, L Mortier, J Karstensen, E Mauri, KJ Heywood, D Hayes, ...
Mercator Ocean–CORIOLIS Quarterly Newsletter, 12-15, 2012
Deep drivers of mesoscale circulation in the central Rockall Trough
TJ Sherwin, D Alyenik, E Dumont, M Inall
Ocean Science Discussions 11, 2607-2646, 2014
AUV observations of surface mixing and bubble entrainment in the Clyde estuary, Scotland
M Inall, T Boyd, M Toberman, C Old, E Dumont, B Hagan
Autonomous Underwater Vehicles (AUV), 2012 IEEE/OES, 1-4, 2012
Consolidation of Atlantic EGO Network Activities Report
V Turpin, P Testor, C Barrera, E Dumont, I Fer, T Morales, J Karstensen
AtlantOS, 2018
Eastern boundaries survey
V Turpin, L Ebeler, C Barrera, E Dumont, I Fer, T Morales, J Karstensen, ...
AtlantOS, 2018
Transport Structure and Energetic of the North Atlantic Current in Subpolar Gyre from Observations
L Houpert, M Inall, E Dumont, S Gary, M Porter, W Johns, S Cunningham
EGU General Assembly Conference Abstracts 19, 5593, 2017
Glider Observations of the Properties, Circulation and Formation of Water Masses on the Rockall Plateau in the North Atlantic.
L Houpert, SF Gary, ME Inall, WE Johns, M Porter, E Dumont, ...
American Geophysical Union, Ocean Sciences Meeting 2016, abstract# PO54B-3234, 2016
Observations of seasonal exchange in the Celtic Sea slope region from underwater gilders
M Porter, M Inall, D Smeed, M Palmer, E Dumont, D Aleynik
EGU General Assembly Conference Abstracts 17, 2015
A glider network to study the physical-biogeochemical coupling in the Atlantic ocean
P Testor, V Turpin, C Gorucuff, J Karstensen, E Dumont, L Houpert, M Inall, ...
Biogeosciences 12, 7467-7482, 2015
The use of multiple AUVs in FASTNEt: a study of Ocean Shelf Exchange
M Inall, T Sherwin, D Smeed, M Palmer, M Porter, E Dumont
EGU General Assembly Conference Abstracts 15, 2013
Cruise D340a: Reykjavik to Dunstaffnage via Rockall and the Wyville Thomson Ridge
TJ Sherwin, D Aldridge, J Allen, S Amin, K Attard, J Beaton, T Brand, ...
Scottish Association of Marine Science, Oban, UK, 2009
How well do Autonomous Gliders Capture the Internal Tide?
M Inall, M Porter, E Dumont, D Aleynik, T Sherwin, D Smeed
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Articles 1–18