Spatial processes: models & applications AD Cliff, JK Ord (No Title), 1981 | 7232 | 1981 |
Spatial autocorrelation AD Cliff Pion Ltd, 1973 | 4673 | 1973 |
Testing for spatial autocorrelation among regression residuals A Cliff, K Ord Geographical analysis 4 (3), 267-284, 1972 | 704 | 1972 |
Spatial Diffusion: an Historical Geography of Epidemics in an Island Community AD Cliff Cambridge University Press, 1981 | 496 | 1981 |
Elements of spatial structure: A quantitative approach AD Cliff (No Title), 1975 | 423 | 1975 |
Atlas of disease distributions: analytic approaches to epidemiological data. AD Cliff, P Haggett | 416 | 1988 |
The problem of spatial autocorrelation AD Cliff, JK Ord University, 1968 | 389 | 1968 |
Spatial autocorrelation: a review of existing and new measures with applications AD Cliff, K Ord Economic Geography 46 (sup1), 269-292, 1970 | 356 | 1970 |
The potential of airborne lidar for detection of archaeological features under woodland canopies BJ Devereux, GS Amable, P Crow, AD Cliff Antiquity 79 (305), 648-660, 2005 | 318 | 2005 |
Model building and the analysis of spatial pattern in human geography AD Cliff, JK Ord Journal of the Royal Statistical Society: Series B (Methodological) 37 (3 …, 1975 | 289 | 1975 |
Locational methods P Haggett | 264 | 1977 |
Measles: an historical geography of a major human viral disease: from global expansion to local retreat, 1840-1990 AD Cliff, P Haggett, M Smallman-Raynor Blackwell, 1993 | 218 | 1993 |
Space-time modelling with an application to regional forecasting AD Cliff, JK Ord Transactions of the Institute of British Geographers, 119-128, 1975 | 216 | 1975 |
Spatial aspects of influenza epidemics. AD Cliff, P Haggett, JK Ord | 179 | 1986 |
War epidemics: an historical geography of infectious diseases in military conflict and civil strife, 1850-2000 M Smallman-Raynor, A Cliff Oxford University Press, 2004 | 177 | 2004 |
Evaluating the friction of distance parameter in gravity models AD Cliff, RL Martin, JK Ord Regional Studies 8 (3-4), 281-286, 1974 | 157 | 1974 |
Civil war and the spread of AIDS in Central Africa MR Smallman-Raynor, AD Cliff Epidemiology & Infection 107 (1), 69-80, 1991 | 149 | 1991 |
Island epidemics AD Cliff, P Haggett, M Smallman-Raynor Oxford University Press, 2000 | 136 | 2000 |
Deciphering global epidemics: analytical approaches to the disease records of world cities, 1888-1912 AD Cliff, P Haggett, M Smallman-Raynor Cambridge University Press, 1998 | 134 | 1998 |
Impact of infectious diseases on war MR Smallman-Raynor, AD Cliff Infectious Disease Clinics 18 (2), 341-368, 2004 | 123 | 2004 |