Living through gentrification: subjective experiences of local, non-gentrifying residents in Leith, Edinburgh B Doucet Journal of Housing and the Built Environment 24, 299-315, 2009 | 166 | 2009 |
A process of change and a changing process: Introduction to the special issue on contemporary gentrification B Doucet Tijdschrift voor economische en sociale geografie 105 (2), 125-139, 2014 | 111 | 2014 |
Variations of the Entrepreneurial City: Goals, roles and visions in R otterdam's K op van Z uid and the G lasgow H arbour Megaprojects B Doucet International journal of urban and regional research 37 (6), 2035-2051, 2013 | 111 | 2013 |
‘We're a rich city with poor people’: municipal strategies of new-build gentrification in Rotterdam and Glasgow B Doucet, R Van Kempen, J Van Weesep Environment and Planning A 43 (6), 1438-1454, 2011 | 108 | 2011 |
Resident perceptions of flagship waterfront regeneration: The case of the Kop van Zuid in Rotterdam B Doucet, R Van Kempen, J Van Weesep Tijdschrift voor economische en sociale geografie 102 (2), 125-145, 2011 | 104 | 2011 |
A window on the (changing) neighbourhood: The role of pubs in the contested spaces of gentrification O Ernst, B Doucet Tijdschrift voor economische en sociale geografie 105 (2), 189-205, 2014 | 69 | 2014 |
Flagship regeneration: Panacea or urban problem B Doucet EURA conference: The vital city, 12-14, 2007 | 69 | 2007 |
Why Detroit matters: Decline, renewal and hope in a divided city B Doucet Policy Press, 2017 | 56 | 2017 |
Rich cities with poor people: waterfront regeneration in the Netherlands and Scotland B Doucet Koninklijk Nederlands Aardrijkskundig Genootschap, 2010 | 52 | 2010 |
‘At least it’s not a ghetto anymore’: Experiencing gentrification and ‘false choice urbanism’in Rotterdam’s Afrikaanderwijk B Doucet, D Koenders Urban Studies 55 (16), 3631-3649, 2018 | 44 | 2018 |
Deconstructing dominant narratives of urban failure and gentrification in a racially unjust city: The case of Detroit B Doucet Tijdschrift voor economische en sociale geografie 111 (4), 634-651, 2020 | 41 | 2020 |
Building an urban ‘renaissance’: fragmented services and the production of inequality in Greater Downtown Detroit B Doucet, E Smit Journal of Housing and the Built Environment 31, 635-657, 2016 | 38 | 2016 |
Livability for whom?: Planning for livability and the gentrification of memory in Vancouver G Tolfo, B Doucet Cities 123, 103564, 2022 | 26 | 2022 |
Global flagships, local impacts B Doucet Proceedings of the Institution of Civil Engineers-Urban Design and Planning …, 2009 | 22 | 2009 |
The ‘hidden’sides of transit-induced gentrification and displacement along Waterloo Region’s LRT corridor B Doucet Geoforum 125, 37-46, 2021 | 21 | 2021 |
Repeat photography and urban change: Streetcar photographs of Toronto since the 1960s B Doucet City 23 (4-5), 411-438, 2019 | 21 | 2019 |
From “big small town” to “small big city”: Resident experiences of gentrification along Waterloo region’s LRT corridor M Ellis-Young, B Doucet Journal of Planning Education and Research 44 (1), 416-430, 2024 | 20 | 2024 |
In Detroit ‘ruin porn’ignores the voices of those who still call the city home B Doucet, D Philp The Guardian 15, 2016 | 19 | 2016 |
Gentrification in the media: the eviction of critical class perspective G Tolfo, B Doucet Urban Geography 42 (10), 1418-1439, 2021 | 16 | 2021 |
Beyond picturesque decay: Detroit and the photographic sites of confrontation between media and residents M Zebracki, B Doucet, T De Brant Space and Culture 22 (4), 489-508, 2019 | 16 | 2019 |