Alfredo Bautista
Alfredo Bautista
Education University of Hong Kong, FEHD/ECE, Assoc Prof & Assoc HoD
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Teacher professional development: International perspectives and approaches
Bautista, Ortega-Ruíz
Psychology, Society, & Education 7 (3), 240-251, 2015
Teacher professional development in Singapore: Depicting the landscape
Bautista, Wong, Gopinathan
Psychology, Society, & Education 7 (3), 311-326, 2015
High-quality music teacher professional development: A review of the literature
Bautista, Yau, Wong
Music Education Research 19 (4), 455-469, 2017
Learning areas for holistic education: Kindergarten teachers’ curriculum priorities, professional development needs, and beliefs
Bautista, Ng, Múñez, Bull
International Journal of Child Care and Education Policy 10 (1), 8, 2016
Curriculum integration in arts education: Connecting multiple art forms through the idea of ‘space’
Bautista, Tan, Ponnusamy, Yau
Journal of Curriculum Studies 48 (5), 610-629, 2016
Arts-related pedagogies in preschool education: An Asian perspective
Bautista, Moreno-Núñez, Bull, Amsah, Koh
Early Childhood Research Quarterly 45, 277-288, 2018
Music performance teachers’ conceptions about learning and instruction: a descriptive study of Spanish piano teachers
Bautista, Pérez-Echeverría, Pozo
Psychology of Music 38 (1), 85-106, 2010
The learning and teaching of music performance: Changing conceptions and practices | El aprendizaje y la enseñanza de la interpretación musical: cambiando las concepciones y …
Pozo, Bautista, Torrado
Cultura y Educación 20 (1), 5-15, 2008
Processes of instrumental learning: The development of musical expertise
Hallam, Bautista
The Oxford Handbook of Music Education 1, 658-676, 2012
Music in early childhood teacher education: raising awareness of a worrisome reality and proposing strategies to move forward
Bautista, Yeung, Mclaren, Ilari
Arts Education Policy Review 125 (3), 139–149, 2024
Primary school music teachers’ professional development motivations, needs, and preferences: Does specialization make a difference?
Bautista, Toh, Wong
Musicae Scientiae 22 (2), 196-223, 2018
Computational thinking in early childhood education: Reviewing the literature and redeveloping the three-dimensional framework
Zeng, Yang, Bautista
Educational Research Review 39, 100520, 2023
What do music performance teachers think they should teach in their lessons | ¿Qué consideran los profesores de instrumento que deben enseñar en sus clases?
Bautista, Pérez-Echeverría
Cultura y Educación 20 (1), 17-34, 2008
Preschool educators’ interactions with children about sustainable development: Planned and incidental conversations
Bautista, Moreno-Núñez, Ng, Bull
International Journal of Early Childhood 50 (1), 15–32, 2018
Purposeful play during learning centre time: from curriculum to practice
Bautista, Habib, Eng, Bull
Journal of Curriculum Studies 51 (5), 715-736, 2019
Piano teachers' conceptions of assessment and evaluation | Concepciones de profesores de piano sobre la evaluación
Bautista, Pérez-Echevarría, Pozo
Revista de Educación 355, 443–466, 2011
Policy strategies to remedy isolation of specialist arts and music teachers
Bautista, Stanley, Candusso
Arts Education Policy Review 122 (1), 42-53, 2021
Preschool teachers’ engagement in professional development: Frequency, perceived usefulness, and relationship with self-efficacy beliefs
Múñez, Bautista, Khiu, Keh, Bull
Psychology, Society, & Education 9 (2), 181-199, 2017
Piano students’ conceptions of musical scores as external representations: A cross-sectional study
Bautista, Pérez-Echeverría, Pozo, Brizuela
Journal of Research in Music Education 57 (3), 181-202, 2009
STEAM Education: contributing evidence of validity and effectiveness / Educación STEAM: aportando pruebas de validez y efectividad
Journal for the Study on Education and Development 44 (4), 755-768, 2021
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Articles 1–20