Herman W. Barkema
Herman W. Barkema
Professor Epidemiology of Infectious Diseases, University of Calgary
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Increasing incidence and prevalence of the inflammatory bowel diseases with time, based on systematic review
NA Molodecky, S Soon, DM Rabi, WA Ghali, M Ferris, G Chernoff, ...
Gastroenterology 142 (1), 46-54. e42, 2012
Restricting the use of antibiotics in food-producing animals and its associations with antibiotic resistance in food-producing animals and human beings: a systematic review and …
KL Tang, NP Caffrey, DB Nóbrega, SC Cork, PE Ronksley, HW Barkema, ...
The Lancet Planetary Health 1 (8), e316-e327, 2017
Invited review: The role of cow, pathogen, and treatment regimen in the therapeutic success of bovine Staphylococcus aureus mastitis
HW Barkema, YH Schukken, RN Zadoks
Journal of dairy science 89 (6), 1877-1895, 2006
Risk of surgery for inflammatory bowel diseases has decreased over time: a systematic review and meta-analysis of population-based studies
AD Frolkis, J Dykeman, ME Negrón, J Debruyn, N Jette, KM Fiest, ...
Gastroenterology 145 (5), 996-1006, 2013
Invited review: Changes in the dairy industry affecting dairy cattle health and welfare
HW Barkema, MAG von Keyserlingk, JP Kastelic, TJGM Lam, C Luby, ...
Journal of dairy science 98 (11), 7426-7445, 2015
Incidence of clinical mastitis in dairy herds grouped in three categories by bulk milk somatic cell counts
HW Barkema, YH Schukken, T Lam, ML Beiboer, H Wilmink, ...
Journal of dairy science 81 (2), 411-419, 1998
Invited review: Mastitis in dairy heifers: Nature of the disease, potential impact, prevention, and control
S De Vliegher, LK Fox, S Piepers, S McDougall, HW Barkema
Journal of dairy science 95 (3), 1025-1040, 2012
Incidence rate of clinical mastitis on Canadian dairy farms
RGMO Riekerink, HW Barkema, DF Kelton, DT Scholl
Journal of dairy science 91 (4), 1366-1377, 2008
The effect of season on somatic cell count and the incidence of clinical mastitis
RGMO Riekerink, HW Barkema, H Stryhn
Journal of dairy science 90 (4), 1704-1715, 2007
Management practices associated with the incidence rate of clinical mastitis
HW Barkema, YH Schukken, T Lam, ML Beiboer, G Benedictus, A Brand
Journal of dairy science 82 (8), 1643-1654, 1999
Cow-and quarter-level risk factors for Streptococcus uberis and Staphylococcus aureus mastitis
RN Zadoks, HG Allore, HW Barkema, OC Sampimon, GJ Wellenberg, ...
Journal of Dairy Science 84 (12), 2649-2663, 2001
Management practices associated with low, medium, and high somatic cell counts in bulk milk
HW Barkema, YH Schukken, T Lam, ML Beiboer, G Benedictus, A Brand
Journal of dairy science 81 (7), 1917-1927, 1998
Incidence of primary sclerosing cholangitis: a systematic review and meta‐analysis
NA Molodecky, H Kareemi, R Parab, HW Barkema, H Quan, RP Myers, ...
Hepatology 53 (5), 1590-1599, 2011
Management style and its association with bulk milk somatic cell count and incidence rate of clinical mastitis
HW Barkema, JD Van der Ploeg, YH Schukken, T Lam, G Benedictus, ...
Journal of Dairy Science 82 (8), 1655-1663, 1999
Prevalence of lameness and associated risk factors in Canadian Holstein-Friesian cows housed in freestall barns
L Solano, HW Barkema, EA Pajor, S Mason, SJ LeBlanc, JCZ Heyerhoff, ...
Journal of dairy science 98 (10), 6978-6991, 2015
Johne’s disease in Canada: Part I: Clinical symptoms, pathophysiology, diagnosis, and prevalence in dairy herds
A Tiwari, JA VanLeeuwen, SLB McKenna, GP Keefe, HW Barkema
The Canadian Veterinary Journal 47 (9), 874, 2006
Control of paratuberculosis: who, why and how. A review of 48 countries
R Whittington, K Donat, MF Weber, D Kelton, SS Nielsen, S Eisenberg, ...
BMC veterinary research 15, 1-29, 2019
Factors associated with cure after therapy of clinical mastitis caused by Staphylococcus aureus
J Sol, OC Sampimon, HW Barkema, YH Schukken
Journal of dairy science 83 (2), 278-284, 2000
Invited review: Determinants of farmers' adoption of management-based strategies for infectious disease prevention and control
C Ritter, J Jansen, S Roche, DF Kelton, CL Adams, K Orsel, RJ Erskine, ...
Journal of Dairy Science 100 (5), 3329-3347, 2017
Environmental particulate matter induces murine intestinal inflammatory responses and alters the gut microbiome
L Kish, N Hotte, GG Kaplan, R Vincent, R Tso, M Gänzle, KP Rioux, ...
PloS one 8 (4), e62220, 2013
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Articles 1–20