Andreas R.T. Schuck
Cited by
Cited by
Mapping EU attitudes: Conceptual and empirical dimensions of Euroscepticism and EU support
HG Boomgaarden, ART Schuck, M Elenbaas, CH De Vreese
European Union Politics 12 (2), 241-266, 2011
Between risk and opportunity: News framing and its effects on public support for EU enlargement
ART Schuck, CH De Vreese
European journal of communication 21 (1), 5-32, 2006
News coverage and support for European integration, 1990–2006
R Vliegenthart, ART Schuck, HG Boomgaarden, CH De Vreese
International Journal of Public Opinion Research 20 (4), 415-439, 2008
Party contestation and Europe on the news agenda: The 2009 European Parliamentary Elections
ART Schuck, G Xezonakis, M Elenbaas, SA Banducci, CH De Vreese
Electoral Studies 30 (1), 41-52, 2011
News on the move: Exogenous events and news coverage of the European Union
HG Boomgaarden, R Vliegenthart, CH De Vreese, ART Schuck
Journal of European Public Policy 17 (4), 506-526, 2010
Dealing with feelings: Positive and negative discrete emotions as mediators of news framing effects
S Lecheler, ART Schuck, CH De Vreese
Communications-The European Journal of Communication Research 38 (2), 189-209, 2013
Who's afraid of conflict? The mobilizing effect of conflict framing in campaign news
ART Schuck, R Vliegenthart, CH De Vreese
British Journal of Political Science 46 (1), 177-194, 2016
Reversed mobilization in referendum campaigns: How positive news framing can mobilize the skeptics
ART Schuck, CH de Vreese
The International Journal of Press/Politics 14 (1), 40-66, 2009
Across time and space: Explaining variation in news coverage of the E uropean U nion
HG Boomgaarden, CH De Vreese, ART Schuck, R Azrout, M Elenbaas, ...
European Journal of Political Research 52 (5), 608-629, 2013
Cynics all around? The impact of election news on political cynicism in comparative perspective
ART Schuck, HG Boomgaarden, CH de Vreese
Journal of Communication 63 (2), 287-311, 2013
Explaining campaign news coverage: How medium, time, and context explain variation in the media framing of the 2009 European parliamentary elections
ART Schuck, R Vliegenthart, HG Boomgaarden, M Elenbaas, R Azrout, ...
Journal of Political Marketing 12 (1), 8-28, 2013
Public support for referendums in Europe: A cross-national comparison in 21 countries
ART Schuck, CH De Vreese
Electoral Studies 38, 149-158, 2015
The effects of repetitive news framing on political opinions over time
S Lecheler, M Keer, ART Schuck, R Hänggli
Communication Monographs 82 (3), 339-358, 2015
Linking survey and media content data: Opportunities, considerations, and pitfalls
CH De Vreese, M Boukes, A Schuck, R Vliegenthart, L Bos, Y Lelkes
Communication Methods and Measures 11 (4), 221-244, 2017
The Dutch no to the EU constitution: Assessing the role of EU skepticism and the campaign
ART Schuck, CH De Vreese
Journal of Elections, Public Opinion and Parties 18 (1), 101-128, 2008
Is context the key? The (non-) differential effects of mediated incivility in three European countries
LP Otto, S Lecheler, ART Schuck
Political Communication 37 (1), 88-107, 2020
Reconciling passive and motivated learning: The saturation-conditional impact of media coverage and motivation on political information
M Elenbaas, C de Vreese, A Schuck, H Boomgaarden
Communication Research 41 (4), 481-504, 2014
When good news is bad news: Explicating the moderated mediation dynamic behind the reversed mobilization effect
ART Schuck, CH de Vreese
Journal of Communication 62 (1), 57-77, 2012
Shifting public engagement: How media coverage of climate change conferences affects climate change audience segments
A Wonneberger, MHC Meijers, ART Schuck
Public Understanding of Science 29 (2), 176-193, 2020
Public support for referendums: The role of the media
ART Schuck, CH De Vreese
West European Politics 34 (2), 181-207, 2011
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Articles 1–20