Taro Nakajima
Taro Nakajima
Neutron Science Laboratory, The Institute for Solid State Physics, The University of Tokyo
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Skyrmion lattice with a giant topological Hall effect in a frustrated triangular-lattice magnet
T Kurumaji, T Nakajima, M Hirschberger, A Kikkawa, Y Yamasaki, ...
Science 365 (6456), 914-918, 2019
Skyrmion phase and competing magnetic orders on a breathing kagomé lattice
M Hirschberger, T Nakajima, S Gao, L Peng, A Kikkawa, T Kurumaji, ...
Nature communications 10 (1), 5831, 2019
Nanometric square skyrmion lattice in a centrosymmetric tetragonal magnet
ND Khanh, T Nakajima, X Yu, S Gao, K Shibata, M Hirschberger, ...
Nature Nanotechnology 15 (6), 444-449, 2020
Large anisotropic deformation of skyrmions in strained crystal
K Shibata, J Iwasaki, N Kanazawa, S Aizawa, T Tanigaki, M Shirai, ...
Nature nanotechnology 10 (7), 589-592, 2015
Uniaxial stress control of skyrmion phase
Y Nii, T Nakajima, A Kikkawa, Y Yamasaki, K Ohishi, J Suzuki, Y Taguchi, ...
Nature communications 6 (1), 8539, 2015
Néel-Type Skyrmion Lattice in the Tetragonal Polar Magnet
T Kurumaji, T Nakajima, V Ukleev, A Feoktystov, T Arima, K Kakurai, ...
Physical review letters 119 (23), 237201, 2017
Topological transitions among skyrmion-and hedgehog-lattice states in cubic chiral magnets
Y Fujishiro, N Kanazawa, T Nakajima, XZ Yu, K Ohishi, Y Kawamura, ...
Nature communications 10 (1), 1059, 2019
Square and rhombic lattices of magnetic skyrmions in a centrosymmetric binary compound
R Takagi, N Matsuyama, V Ukleev, L Yu, JS White, S Francoual, ...
Nature communications 13 (1), 1472, 2022
Ga-substitution-induced single ferroelectric phase in multiferroic
N Terada, T Nakajima, S Mitsuda, H Kitazawa, K Kaneko, N Metoki
Physical Review B—Condensed Matter and Materials Physics 78 (1), 014101, 2008
Skyrmion lattice structural transition in MnSi
T Nakajima, H Oike, A Kikkawa, EP Gilbert, N Booth, K Kakurai, Y Taguchi, ...
Science advances 3 (6), e1602562, 2017
Evidence for large electric polarization from collinear magnetism in TmMnO3
VY Pomjakushin, M Kenzelmann, A Dönni, AB Harris, T Nakajima, ...
New Journal of Physics 11 (4), 043019, 2009
Electric polarization induced by a proper helical magnetic ordering in a delafossite multiferroic
T Nakajima, S Mitsuda, S Kanetsuki, K Tanaka, K Fujii, N Terada, M Soda, ...
Physical Review B—Condensed Matter and Materials Physics 77 (5), 052401, 2008
Large anomalous Hall effect in topological insulators with proximitized ferromagnetic insulators
M Mogi, T Nakajima, V Ukleev, A Tsukazaki, R Yoshimi, M Kawamura, ...
Physical review letters 123 (1), 016804, 2019
Emergent topological spin structures in the centrosymmetric cubic perovskite
S Ishiwata, T Nakajima, JH Kim, DS Inosov, N Kanazawa, JS White, ...
Physical Review B 101 (13), 134406, 2020
Spin Noncollinearlity in Multiferroic Phase of Triangular Lattice Antiferromagnet CuFe1-xAlxO2
T Nakajima, S Mitsuda, S Kanetsuki, K Prokes, A Podlesnyak, H Kimura, ...
journal of the physical society of japan 76 (4), 043709, 2007
Field-induced ferroelectric state in frustrated magnet CuFe1− xAlxO2
S Kanetsuki, S Mitsuda, T Nakajima, D Anazawa, HA Katori, K Prokes
Journal of Physics: Condensed Matter 19 (14), 145244, 2007
Topological Nernst effect of the two-dimensional skyrmion lattice
M Hirschberger, L Spitz, T Nomoto, T Kurumaji, S Gao, J Masell, ...
Physical Review Letters 125 (7), 076602, 2020
Comprehensive study on ferroelectricity induced by a proper-screw-type magnetic ordering in multiferroic : Nonmagnetic impurity effect on magnetic and …
T Nakajima, S Mitsuda, K Takahashi, M Yamano, K Masuda, H Yamazaki, ...
Physical Review B—Condensed Matter and Materials Physics 79 (21), 214423, 2009
Magnetization-polarization cross-control near room temperature in hexaferrite single crystals
V Kocsis, T Nakajima, M Matsuda, A Kikkawa, Y Kaneko, J Takashima, ...
Nature communications 10 (1), 1247, 2019
Zoology of Multiple‐Q Spin Textures in a Centrosymmetric Tetragonal Magnet with Itinerant Electrons
ND Khanh, T Nakajima, S Hayami, S Gao, Y Yamasaki, H Sagayama, ...
Advanced Science 9 (10), 2105452, 2022
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Articles 1–20