haie yang
haie yang
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Cited by
Experimental investigation on convective heat transfer of Shear-thinning fluids by elastic turbulence in a serpentine channel
H Yang, G Yao, D Wen
Experimental Thermal and Fluid Science 112, 109997, 2020
Experimental study on flow and heat transfer enhancement by elastic instability in swirling flow
G Yao, H Yang, J Zhao, D Wen
International Journal of Thermal Sciences 157, 106504, 2020
Effects of salinity on the onset of elastic turbulence in swirling flow and curvilinear microchannels
G Yao, J Zhao, H Yang, MA Haruna, D Wen
Physics of Fluids 31 (12), 2019
Efficient mixing enhancement by orthogonal injection of shear-thinning fluids in a micro serpentine channel at low Reynolds numbers
H Yang, G Yao, D Wen
Chemical Engineering Science 235, 116368, 2021
Effects of rheological properties on heat transfer enhancements by elastic instability in von-Karman swirling flow
G Yao, J Zhao, X Shen, H Yang, D Wen
International Journal of Heat and Mass Transfer 152, 119535, 2020
Flow resistance and convective heat transfer by elastic turbulence in 1D/2D/3D geometries
H Yang, G Yao, D Wen
International Journal of Thermal Sciences 176, 107512, 2022
Experimental Investigation into Convective Heat Transfer of Boger Fluids by Elastic Turbulence within the Serpentine Channel
H Yang, D Wen
2019 IEEE 10th International Conference on Mechanical and Aerospace …, 2019
Heat Transfer Enhancement in Helically Micro-Coiled Tubes Using Nanoparticle-Viscoelastic Fluids by Elastic Turbulence
H Yang, G Yao, H Jin, D Wen
APS March Meeting Abstracts 2019, F29. 004, 2019
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