Grégory Mounié
Grégory Mounié
Univ. Grenoble Alpes (UGA), Ensimag/LIG, France; Associate Professor
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A batch scheduler with high level components
N Capit, G Da Costa, Y Georgiou, G Huard, C Martin, G Mounié, P Neyron, ...
CCGrid 2005. IEEE International Symposium on Cluster Computing and the Grid …, 2005
Random graph generation for scheduling simulations
D Cordeiro, G Mounié, S Perarnau, D Trystram, JM Vincent, F Wagner
3rd International ICST Conference on Simulation Tools and Techniques …, 2010
Efficient approximation algorithms for scheduling malleable tasks
G Mounie, C Rapine, D Trystram
Proceedings of the eleventh annual ACM symposium on Parallel algorithms and …, 1999
A ‐Approximation Algorithm for Scheduling Independent Monotonic Malleable Tasks
G Mounie, C Rapine, D Trystram
SIAM Journal on Computing 37 (2), 401-412, 2007
Scheduling parallel tasks: Approximation algorithms
PF Dutot, G Mounié, D Trystram
Handbook of scheduling: Algorithms, models, and performance analysis, 26-1-26-24, 2004
Bi-criteria algorithm for scheduling jobs on cluster platforms
PF Dutot, L Eyraud, G Mounié, D Trystram
Proceedings of the sixteenth annual ACM symposium on Parallelism in …, 2004
Scheduling independent tasks on multi‐cores with GPU accelerators
R Bleuse, S Kedad‐Sidhoum, F Monna, G Mounié, D Trystram
Concurrency and Computation: Practice and Experience 27 (6), 1625-1638, 2015
Scheduling independent moldable tasks on multi-cores with GPUs
R Bleuse, S Hunold, S Kedad-Sidhoum, F Monna, G Mounié, D Trystram
IEEE Transactions on Parallel and Distributed Systems 28 (9), 2689-2702, 2017
Greedy approach and multi-criteria simulated annealing for the car sequencing problem
O Briant, D Naddef, G Mounié
European Journal of Operational Research 191 (3), 993-1003, 2008
An approximation algorithm for scheduling trees of malleable tasks
R Lepère, G Mounié, D Trystram
European Journal of Operational Research 142 (2), 242-249, 2002
Analysis of scheduling algorithms with reservations
L Eyraud-Dubois, G Mounié, D Trystram
2007 IEEE International Parallel and Distributed Processing Symposium, 1-8, 2007
Approximation algorithms for scheduling independent malleable tasks
J Blazewicz, M Machowiak, G Mounié, D Trystram
Euro-Par 2001 Parallel Processing: 7th International Euro-Par Conference …, 2001
Dynamic load balancing for ocean circulation model with adaptive meshing
E Blayo, L Debreu, G Mounié, D Trystram
Euro-Par’99 Parallel Processing: 5th International Euro-Par Conference …, 1999
Fast tuning of intra-cluster collective communications
LA Barchet-Estefanel, G Mounié
European Parallel Virtual Machine/Message Passing Interface Users’ Group …, 2004
Scheduling data flow program in XKaapi: A new affinity based algorithm for heterogeneous architectures
R Bleuse, T Gautier, JVF Lima, G Mounié, D Trystram
Euro-Par 2014 Parallel Processing: 20th International Conference, Porto …, 2014
Scheduling heuristics for efficient broadcast operations on grid environments
LA Barchet-Steffenel, G Mounié
Proceedings 20th IEEE International Parallel & Distributed Processing …, 2006
Scheduling moldable tasks for dynamic SMP clusters in soc technology
L Masko, PF Dutot, G Mounie, D Trystram, M Tudruj
Parallel Processing and Applied Mathematics: 6th International Conference …, 2006
Scheduling independent tasks on multi-cores with gpu accelerators
S Kedad-Sidhoum, F Monna, G Mounié, D Trystram
European Conference on Parallel Processing, 228-237, 2013
Interference-aware scheduling using geometric constraints
R Bleuse, K Dogeas, G Lucarelli, G Mounié, D Trystram
Euro-Par 2018: Parallel Processing: 24th International Conference on …, 2018
Pajé trace file format
LM Schnorr, B de Oliveira Stein, J de Kergommeaux, G Mounié
Tech. rep., ID-IMAG, Grenoble, France, 2012
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Articles 1–20