Julia P Myatt
Cited by
Cited by
Group hunting within the Carnivora: physiological, cognitive and environmental influences on strategy and cooperation
I Bailey, JP Myatt, AM Wilson
Behavioral ecology and sociobiology 67, 1-17, 2013
Selection for cuticular melanism reveals immune function and life‐history trade‐offs in Spodoptera littoralis
SC Cotter, JP Myatt, CMH Benskin, K Wilson
Journal of Evolutionary Biology 21 (6), 1744-1754, 2008
Nest-building orangutans demonstrate engineering know-how to produce safe, comfortable beds
A Van Casteren, WI Sellers, SKS Thorpe, S Coward, RH Crompton, ...
Proceedings of the National Academy of Sciences 109 (18), 6873-6877, 2012
Is the true ‘wisdom of the crowd’to copy successful individuals?
AJ King, L Cheng, SD Starke, JP Myatt
Biology letters 8 (2), 197-200, 2012
Energy cost and return for hunting in African wild dogs and cheetahs
TY Hubel, JP Myatt, NR Jordan, OP Dewhirst, JW McNutt, AM Wilson
Nature Communications 7 (1), 11034, 2016
The human foot and heel–sole–toe walking strategy: a mechanism enabling an inverted pendular gait with low isometric muscle force?
JR Usherwood, AJ Channon, JP Myatt, JW Rankin, TY Hubel
Journal of The Royal Society Interface 9 (75), 2396-2402, 2012
Functional adaptations in the forelimb muscles of non-human great apes
JP Myatt, RH Crompton, RC Payne-Davis, EE Vereecke, K Isler, ...
Journal of Anatomy 220, 13-28, 2012
Additive opportunistic capture explains group hunting benefits in African wild dogs
TY Hubel, JP Myatt, NR Jordan, OP Dewhirst, JW McNutt, AM Wilson
Nature communications 7 (1), 11033, 2016
Hindlimb muscle architecture in non‐human great apes and a comparison of methods for analysing inter‐species variation
JP Myatt, RH Crompton, SKS Thorpe
Journal of anatomy 219 (2), 150-166, 2011
Testing the use/disuse hypothesis: pectoral and leg muscle changes in captive barnacle geese Branta leucopsis during wing moult
SJ Portugal, SKS Thorpe, JA Green, JP Myatt, PJ Butler
Journal of Experimental Biology 212 (15), 2403-2410, 2009
Distribution patterns of fibre types in the triceps surae muscle group of chimpanzees and orangutans
JP Myatt, N Schilling, SKS Thorpe
Journal of Anatomy 218 (4), 402-412, 2011
Postural strategies employed by orangutans (Pongo abelii) during feeding in the terminal branch niche
JP Myatt, SKS Thorpe
American Journal of Physical Anthropology 146 (1), 73-82, 2011
A new method for recording complex positional behaviours and habitat interactions in primates
JP Myatt, RH Crompton, SKS Thorpe
Folia primatologica 82 (1), 13-24, 2011
Social density processes regulate the functioning and performance of foraging human teams
AJ King, JP Myatt, I Fürtbauer, N Oesch, RIM Dunbar, S Sumner, ...
Scientific Reports 5 (1), 18260, 2015
Spatio-temporal processes drive fine-scale genetic structure in an otherwise panmictic seabird population
LJH Garrett, JP Myatt, JP Sadler, DA Dawson, H Hipperson, JK Colbourne, ...
Scientific Reports 10 (1), 20725, 2020
Applying an ecomorphological framework to the study of orangutan positional behaviour and the morphological variation within non-human apes.
JP Myatt
University of Birmingham, 2011
Putting a spring in their step: conditions are present that may facilitate energy return from horizontal supports during orangutan bipedalism
A van Casteren, WI Sellers, SKS Thorpe, S Coward, RH Crompton, ...
The Mechanical Behaviour of Wood in Relation to Orangutan Locomotion and …, 2018
Preferred speeds and gait classification in free ranging African carnivores
OP Dewhirst, TY Hubel, JP Myatt, NR Jordan, JW McNutt, AM Wilson
Annual Meeting of the Society-for-Integrative-and-Comparative-Biology (SICB) 55, 2015
Modern African wild dogs-Opportunists rather than Specialists
TY Hubel, JP Myatt, NR Jordan, OP Dewhirst, JW McNutt, AM Wilson
Integrative and Comparative Biology 55, 2015
Linking Studies of Behaviour, Habitat and Morphology in the Non-Human Great Apes: What Can We Learn?
JP Myatt, SKS Thorpe
FOLIA PRIMATOLOGICA 84 (3-5), 304-305, 2013
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Articles 1–20