Hans Kupfersberger
Hans Kupfersberger
JR-AquaConSol GmbH
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Climate change impacts on groundwater and dependent ecosystems
B Kløve, P Ala-Aho, G Bertrand, JJ Gurdak, H Kupfersberger, J Kværner, ...
Journal of Hydrology 518, 250-266, 2014
Groundwater dependent ecosystems. Part I: Hydroecological status and trends
B Kløve, P Ala-Aho, G Bertrand, Z Boukalova, A Ertürk, N Goldscheider, ...
Environmental Science & Policy 14 (7), 770-781, 2011
Methodology for integrating analog geologic data in 3-D variogram modeling
H Kupfersberger, CV Deutsch
AAPG bulletin 83 (8), 1262-1278, 1999
Performance assessment of nitrate leaching models for highly vulnerable soils used in low-input farming based on lysimeter data
P Groenendijk, M Heinen, G Klammler, J Fank, H Kupfersberger, ...
Science of the total environment 499, 463-480, 2014
Deriving constraints on small-scale variograms due to variograms of large-scale data
H Kupfersberger, CV Deutsch, AG Journel
Mathematical geology 30, 837-852, 1998
Numerical delineation of transient capture zones
G Rock, H Kupfersberger
Journal of Hydrology 269 (3-4), 134-149, 2002
Estimating aquifer transmissivities—on the value of auxiliary data
H Kupfersberger, G Blöschl
Journal of Hydrology 165 (1-4), 85-99, 1995
Ranking stochastic realizations for improved aquifer response uncertainty assessment
H Kupfersberger, CV Deutsch
Journal of hydrology 223 (1-2), 54-65, 1999
Modeling coupled unsaturated and saturated nitrate distribution of the aquifer Westliches Leibnitzer Feld, Austria
G Klammler, H Kupfersberger, G Rock, J Fank
Environmental earth sciences 69 (2), 663-678, 2013
Modeling Subsurface Fate of S‐Metolachlor and Metolachlor Ethane Sulfonic Acid in the Westliches Leibnitzer Feld Aquifer
H Kupfersberger, G Klammler, A Schumann, L Brückner, M Kah
Vadose Zone Journal 17 (1), 1-12, 2018
3D modeling of groundwater heat transport in the shallow Westliches Leibnitzer Feld aquifer, Austria
G Rock, H Kupfersberger
Journal of Hydrology 557, 668-678, 2018
Inferring near surface soil temperature time series from different land uses to quantify the variation of heat fluxes into a shallow aquifer in Austria
H Kupfersberger, G Rock, JC Draxler
Journal of Hydrology 552, 564-577, 2017
Developing sustainable water management in the Jordan valley
R Orthofer, R Daoud, B Fattal, M Ghanaye, J Isaac, H Kupfersberger, ...
Joint synthesis and assessment report. Final report to the European …, 2001
Heat transfer modelling of the Leibnitzer Feld aquifer, Austria
H Kupfersberger
Environmental Earth Sciences 59, 561-571, 2009
Modeling shallow groundwater nitrate concentrations by direct coupling of the vadose and the saturated zone
G Rock, H Kupfersberger
Environmental Earth Sciences 78 (9), 283, 2019
Die Bewirtschaftung des Versuchsfeldes Wagna-Auswirkung auf die Grundwassersituation
J Fank, G Fastl, H Kupfersberger, G Rock
na, 2006
Generating land use information to derive diffuse water and nitrate transfer as input for groundwater modelling at the aquifer scale
G Klammler, G Rock, J Fank, H Kupfersberger
ModelCare-International Conference on Calibration and Reliability in …, 2011
Optimierung der Landnutzungsinformation als Input-Parameter für die Bodenwasserhaushalts-und Stofftransportmodellierung
G Klammler, JC Draxler, J Fank, H Kupfersberger, G Rock
na, 2011
Combining groundwater flow modeling and local estimates of extreme groundwater levels to predict the groundwater surface with a return period of 100 years
H Kupfersberger, G Rock, JC Draxler
Geosciences 10 (9), 373, 2020
Investigating artificial groundwater recharge to ensure the water supply to the city of Graz
W Tischendorf, H Kupfersberger, C Schilling, O Gabriel
Water Practice and Technology 3 (3), wpt2008063, 2008
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Articles 1–20