Istvan Meszaros
Istvan Meszaros
Budapest University of Technology and Economics, Department of Materials Science and Engineering
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Magnetic investigation of the effect of α′-martensite on the properties of austenitic stainless steel
I Mészáros, J Prohászka
Journal of Materials Processing Technology 161 (1-2), 162-168, 2005
Micromilling of metallic materials
M Takacs, B Verö, I Meszaros
Journal of Materials Processing Technology 138 (1-3), 152-155, 2003
Characterisation of ferritic stainless steel by Barkhausen techniques
D O'Sullivan, M Cotterell, DA Tanner, I Mészáros
Ndt & E International 37 (6), 489-496, 2004
Thermal and electrical conductivity measurements on aluminum foams
N Babcsán, I Mészáros, N Hegman
Materialwissenschaft und Werkstofftechnik 34 (4), 391-394, 2003
Magneto-acoustic emission for the characterisation of ferritic stainless steel microstructural state
D O’Sullivan, M Cotterell, S Cassidy, DA Tanner, I Mészáros
Journal of Magnetism and Magnetic Materials 271 (2-3), 381-389, 2004
Complex magnetic and microstructural investigation of duplex stainless steel
I Mészáros, PJ Szabo
NDT & E International 38 (7), 517-521, 2005
The characterisation of work-hardened austenitic stainless steel by NDT micro-magnetic techniques
D O'sullivan, M Cotterell, I Meszaros
NDT & E International 37 (4), 265-269, 2004
Nondestructive magnetic characterization of TRIP steels
G Vértesy, I Mészáros, I Tomáš
NDT & E International 54, 107-114, 2013
Effect of cold rolling on microstructure and magnetic properties in a metastable lean duplex stainless steel
S Baldo, I Mészáros
Journal of materials science 45 (19), 5339-5346, 2010
Non-destructive indication of plastic deformation of cold-rolled stainless steel by magnetic adaptive testing
G Vértesy, I Tomáš, I Mészáros
Journal of Magnetism and Magnetic Materials 310 (1), 76-82, 2007
Nondestructive indication of plastic deformation of cold-rolled stainless steel by magnetic minor hysteresis loops measurement
G Vértesy, I Mészáros, I Tomáš
Journal of Magnetism and Magnetic Materials 285 (3), 335-342, 2005
Characterization of a cold-rolled 2101 lean duplex stainless steel
P Bassani, M Breda, K Brunelli, I Mészáros, F Passaretti, M Zanellato, ...
Microscopy and Microanalysis 19 (4), 988, 2013
Microstructural and Corrosion Properties of Cold Rolled Laser Welded UNS S32750 Duplex Stainless Steel
C Gennari, M Lago, B Bögre, I Meszaros, I Calliari, L Pezzato
Metals 8 (12), 1074, 2018
Magnetic characterisation of duplex stainless steel
I Mészáros
Physica B: Condensed Matter 372 (1-2), 181-184, 2006
Separation of magnetic phases in alloys
J Takacs, I Mészáros
Physica B: Condensed Matter 403 (18), 3137-3140, 2008
Complex magnetic investigation of ferritic stainless steel
I Mészáros
Materials Science Forum 473, 231-236, 2005
Complex Study of Eutectoidal Phase Transformation of 2507-Type Super-Duplex Stainless Steel
I Mészáros, B Bögre
Materials 12 (13), 2205, 2019
Micromagnetic measurements and their applications
I Mészáros
Materials Science Forum 414, 275-280, 2003
Minor hysteresis loops measurements for characterization of cast iron
G Vértesy, T Uchimoto, T Takagi, I Tomáš, O Stupakov, I Meszaros, J Pávó
Physica B: Condensed Matter 372 (1-2), 156-159, 2006
Magnetic investigations of stainless steels
J Ginsztler, I Mészáros, L Dévényi, B Hidasi, JH Potgieter
International journal of pressure vessels and piping 61 (2-3), 471-478, 1995
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Articles 1–20