Aimee Whiteside
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Cited by
Introducing the social presence model to explore online and blended learning experiences.
AL Whiteside
Online Learning 19 (2), n2, 2015
Making the case for space: Three years of empirical research on learning environments
A Whiteside, DC Brooks, JD Walker
Educause Quarterly 33 (3), 11, 2010
Social Presence in Online Learning: Multiple Perspectives on Practice and Research
AL Whiteside, A Garrett Dikkers, K Swan
Stylus Publishing, 2017
The skills that technical communicators need: An investigation of technical communication graduates, managers, and curricula
AL Whiteside
Journal of Technical Writing and Communication 33 (4), 303-318, 2003
Autonomy and Responsibility: Online Learning as a Solution for At-Risk High School Students
S Lewis, AL Whiteside, A Garrett Dikkers
International Journal of E-Learning and Distance Education 29 (2), 2014
Designing learning environments to foster affective learning: Comparison of classroom to blended learning.
P Schaber, KJ Wilcox, AL Whiteside, L Marsh, DC Brooks
International Journal for the Scholarship of Teaching and Learning 4 (2), n2, 2010
Virtual high school teacher and student reactions to the social presence model.
A Garrett Dikkers, AL Whiteside, S Lewis
Journal of Interactive Online Learning 12 (3), 2013
Connections before Curriculum: The Role of Social Presence during COVID-19 Emergency Remote Learning for Students.
S Ensmann, A Whiteside, L Gomez-Vasquez, R Sturgill
Online Learning 25 (3), 36-56, 2021
" More Confident Going into College": Lessons Learned from Multiple Stakeholders in a New Blended Learning Initiative.
AL Whiteside, A Garrett Dikkers, S Lewis
Online Learning 20 (4), 136-156, 2016
The Power of Social Presence for Learning
AL Whiteside, A Garrett Dikkers, S Lewis
EDUCAUSE Review Online, 2014
Exploring social presence in communities of practice within a hybrid learning environment: A longitudinal examination of two case studies within the School Technology …
AL Whiteside
University of Minnesota, 2007
Providing Chances for Students to Recover Credit: Is Online Learning a Solution?
S Lewis, AL Whiteside, AG Dikkers
Exploring pedagogies for diverse learners online, 143-157, 2015
School technology leadership: Theory to practice
JE Hughes, S McLeod, B Brahier, AG Dikkers, A Whiteside
Academic Exchange 9 (2), 51-55, 2005
Designing spaces for active learning
A Whiteside, S Fitzgerald
Impilcations, 7 (1), 1-6. Retrieved from, 2005
Get present: Build community and connectedness online.
AG Dikkers, A Whiteside, S Lewis
Learning & Leading with Technology 40 (2), 22-25, 2012
Using the PAIR-up model to evaluate active learning spaces
AL Whiteside, L Jorn, AH Duin, S Fitzgerald
Educause Quarterly 32 (1), 1-16, 2009
Understanding social presence as a critical literacy: Introduction to part four
AL Whiteside
Social presence in online learning, 133-142, 2017
Going Online: Helping Technical Communicators Help Translators
P Flint, M Lord Van Slyke, D Starke-Meyerring, A Thompson
Technical Communication 46 (2), 238-248, 1999
Leveraging the social presence model: A decade of research on emotion in online and blended learning
AL Whiteside, AG Dikkers
Emotions, technology, and learning, 225-241, 2016
Active learning classrooms pilot evaluation: Fall 2007 findings and recommendations
D Alexander, BA Cohen, S Fitzgerald, P Honsey, L Jorn, J Knowles, ...
University of Minnesota. Recuperado de: http://www. classroom. umn. edu …, 2008
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