Sorin Filipescu
Sorin Filipescu
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Badenian evolution of the Central Paratethys Sea: paleogeography, climate and eustatic sea-level changes
M Kováč, A Andreyeva-Grigorovich, Z Bajraktarević, R Brzobohatý, ...
Geologica Carpathica 58 (6), 579-606, 2007
Late Glacial to Holocene benthic foraminifera in the Marmara Sea: implications for Black Sea–Mediterranean Sea connections following the last deglaciation
MA Kaminski, A Aksu, M Box, RN Hiscott, S Filipescu, M Al-Salameen
Marine Geology 190 (1-2), 165-202, 2002
Middle to late Miocene sequence stratigraphy of the Transylvanian Basin (Romania)
C Krézsek, S Filipescu
Tectonophysics 410 (1-4), 437-463, 2005
Miocene facies associations and sedimentary evolution of the Southern Transylvanian Basin (Romania): Implications for hydrocarbon exploration
C Krézsek, S Filipescu, L Silye, L Maţenco, H Doust
Marine and Petroleum Geology 27 (1), 191-214, 2010
Integrated biostratigraphy and palaeoenvironments of an upper Santonian–upper Campanian succession from the southern part of the Eastern Carpathians, Romania
CG Cetean, R Bălc, MA Kaminski, S Filipescu
Cretaceous Research 32 (5), 575-590, 2011
Paleomagnetic and chronostratigraphic constraints on the Middle to Late Miocene evolution of the Transylvanian Basin (Romania): Implications for Central Paratethys stratigraphy …
A De Leeuw, S Filipescu, L Maţenco, W Krijgsman, K Kuiper, M Stoica
Global and Planetary Change 103, 82-98, 2013
Palaeogene and Neogene
MV Rasser, M Harzhauser, OY Anistratenko, VV Anistratenko, D Bassi, ...
The Geology of Central Europe, 1031-1040, 2008
The age of the Sarmatian–Pannonian transition in the Transylvanian Basin (Central Paratethys)
I Vasiliev, A de Leeuw, S Filipescu, W Krijgsman, K Kuiper, M Stoica, ...
Palaeogeography, Palaeoclimatology, Palaeoecology 297 (1), 54-69, 2010
Cenozoic lithostratigraphic units in Transylvania
S Filipescu
Calcareous algae from Romanian Carpathians. Field trip Guidebook., 37-48, 2011
New Paratethyan biozones of planktonic foraminifera described from the Middle Miocene of the Transylvanian Basin (Romania)
S Filipescu, L Silye
Geologica Carpathica 59 (6), 537-544, 2008
Stratigraphy of the Neogene from the western border of the Transylvanian Basin
S Filipescu
Studia Universitatis Babes-Bolyai, Geologia 41, 3-78, 1996
Lower Badenian sea-level drop on the western border of the Transylvanian Basin: foraminiferal paleobathymetry and stratigraphy
S Filipescu, R Gîrbacea
Geologica Carpathica 48 (5), 325-334, 1997
Tectonics and sedimentation during convergence of the ALCAPA and Tisza–Dacia continental blocks: the Pienide nappe emplacement and its foredeep (N. Romania)
M Tischler, L Matenco, S Filipescu, HR Gröger, A Wetzel, B Fügenschuh
Geological Society, London, Special Publications 298 (1), 317-334, 2008
Early Sarmatian paleoenvironments in the easternmost Pannonian Basin (Borod Depression, Romania) revealed by the micropaleontological data
S Filipescu, A Miclea, M Gross, M Harzhauser, K Zagorsek, C Jipa
Geologica Carpathica 65 (1), 67, 2014
Anomalinoides dividens bioevent at the Badenian/Sarmatian boundary – a response to paleogeographic and paleoenvironmental chnages
S Filipescu
Studia UBB, Geologia 49 (2), 21-26, 2004
The response of modern benthic foraminiferal assemblages to water mass properties along the southern shelf of the Marmara Sea.
C Chendes, MA Kaminski, S Filipescu, AE Aksu, D Yasar
Acta palaeontologica romaniae 4, 69-80, 2004
Re-discovering Entzia, an agglutinated foraminifer from the Transylvanian salt marshes.
Proceedings of the Eighth International Workshop on Agglutinated …, 2011
Aspecte ale sedimentaţiei Cretacic superioare din aria Alba-Iulia-Sebeş (jud. Alba)
V Codrea, A Hosu, S Filipescu, M Vremir, P Dica, E Săsăran, I Tanţău
Studii şi cercetări (Geologie-Geografie) 6, 63-68, 2001
Middle Miocene red algae from the Transylvanian Basin (Romania)
II Bucur, S Filipescu
Beiträge zur Paläontologie 19, 39-47, 1994
The gypsiferous formation at Cheia (Cluj County)
L Ghergari, N Mészáros, A Hosu, S Filipescu, C Chira
Studia Universitatis Babes-Bolyai. Seria Geologia 36 (1), 13-28, 1991
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