Jonas Gabrielsson
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Cited by
Toward a behavioral theory of boards and corporate governance
H Van Ees, J Gabrielsson, M Huse
Corporate governance: An international review 17 (3), 307-319, 2009
International activities in small firms: examining factors influencing the internationalization and export growth of small firms
S Andersson, J Gabrielsson, I Wictor
Canadian Journal of Administrative Sciences/Revue Canadienne des Sciences de …, 2004
Entrepreneurs' attitudes towards failure: An experiential learning approach
D Politis, J Gabrielsson
International Journal of Entrepreneurial Behavior & Research 15 (4), 364-383, 2009
Context, behavior, and evolution: Challenges in research on boards and governance
J Gabrielsson, M Huse
International Studies of Management & Organization 34 (2), 11-36, 2004
A systematic literature review of the evolution of pedagogy in entrepreneurial education research
G Hägg, J Gabrielsson
International Journal of Entrepreneurial Behavior & Research 26 (5), 829-861, 2019
Boards of directors in small and medium-sized industrial firms: examining the effects of the board's working style on board task performance
J Gabrielsson, H Winlund
Entrepreneurship & Regional Development 12 (4), 311-330, 2000
Outside directors in SME boards: a call for theoretical reflections
J Gabrielsson, M Huse
Corporate Board: role, duties and composition 1 (1), 28-37, 2005
The venture capitalist and the board of directors in SMEs: roles and processes
J Gabrielsson, M Huse
Venture Capital: An International Journal of Entrepreneurial Finance 4 (2 …, 2002
Understanding the leadership role of the board chairperson through a team production approach
J Gabrielsson, M Huse, A Minichilli
International journal of leadership studies 3 (1), 21-39, 2007
Career motives and entrepreneurial decision-making: examining preferences for causal and effectual logics in the early stage of new ventures
J Gabrielsson, D Politis
Small Business Economics 36, 281-298, 2011
Correlates of board empowerment in small companies
J Gabrielsson
Entrepreneurship Theory and Practice 31 (5), 687-711, 2007
Corporate innovation and competitive environment
M Huse, DO Neubaum, J Gabrielsson
The International Entrepreneurship and Management Journal 1, 313-333, 2005
Board evaluations: Making a fit between the purpose and the system
A Minichilli, J Gabrielsson, M Huse
Corporate Governance: An International Review 15 (4), 609-622, 2007
Boards of directors and entrepreneurial posture in medium-size companies: Putting the board demography approach to a test
J Gabrielsson
International Small Business Journal 25 (5), 511-537, 2007
Work experience and the generation of new business ideas among entrepreneurs: An integrated learning framework
J Gabrielsson, D Politis
International Journal of Entrepreneurial Behavior & Research 18 (1), 48-74, 2012
Does board independence influence financial performance in IPO firms? The moderating role of the national business system
A Zattoni, MA Witt, WQ Judge, T Talaulicar, JJ Chen, K Lewellyn, HW Hu, ...
Journal of World Business 52 (5), 628-639, 2017
Entrepreneurial learning and innovation: The critical role of team-level learning for the evolution of innovation capabilities in technology-based ventures
Z El-Awad, J Gabrielsson, D Politis
International Journal of Entrepreneurial Behavior & Research 23 (3), 381-405, 2017
Connecting the past with the present: the development of research on pedagogy in entrepreneurial education
J Gabrielsson, G Hägg, H Landström, D Politis
Education+ Training 62 (9), 1061-1086, 2020
Configurations of capacity for change in entrepreneurial threshold firms: Imprinting and strategic choice perspectives
WQ Judge, HW Hu, J Gabrielsson, T Talaulicar, MA Witt, A Zattoni, ...
Journal of Management Studies 52 (4), 506-530, 2015
Corporate governance and IPO underpricing in a cross‐national sample: A multilevel knowledge‐based view
WQ Judge, MA Witt, A Zattoni, T Talaulicar, JJ Chen, K Lewellyn, HW Hu, ...
Strategic Management Journal 36 (8), 1174-1185, 2015
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Articles 1–20