Charles Stevens
Cited by
Cited by
Mergers and acquisitions in and out of emerging economies
S Lebedev, MW Peng, E Xie, CE Stevens
Journal of World Business 50 (4), 651-662, 2015
Toward a legitimacy‐based view of political risk: The case of Google and Yahoo in China
CE Stevens, E Xie, MW Peng
Strategic Management Journal 37 (5), 945–963, 2016
Business group reputation and affiliates’ internationalization strategies
D Mukherjee, EE Makarius, CE Stevens
Journal of World Business 53 (2), 93-103, 2018
An institutional logics approach to liability of foreignness: The case of mining MNEs in Sub-Saharan Africa
A Newenham-Kahindi, CE Stevens
Journal of International Business Studies 49 (7), 881-901, 2018
Legitimacy spillovers and political risk: The case of FDI in the East African Community
CE Stevens, A Newenham‐Kahindi
Global Strategy Journal 7 (1), 10-35, 2017
Performance feedback and outward foreign direct investment by emerging economy firms
E Xie, Y Huang, CE Stevens, S Lebedev
Journal of World Business 54 (6), 101014, 2019
A reputation transfer perspective on the internationalization of emerging market firms
D Mukherjee, EE Makarius, CE Stevens
Journal of Business Research 123, 568-579, 2021
The Liability of Home: Institutional Friction and Firm Disadvantage Abroad
CE Stevens, O Shenkar
Advances in International Management 25, 127-148, 2012
Africa rising: Opportunities for advancing theory on people, institutions, and the nation state in international business
L Nachum, CE Stevens, A Newenham-Kahindi, S Lundan, EL Rose, ...
Journal of International Business Studies 54 (5), 938-955, 2023
Avoid, acquiesce… or engage? New insights from sub‐Saharan Africa on MNE strategies for managing corruption
CE Stevens, A Newenham‐Kahindi
Strategic Management Journal 42 (2), 273-301, 2021
The home country cultural determinants of firms' foreign market entry timing strategies
CE Stevens, BJ Dykes
Long Range Planning 46 (4-5), 387-410, 2013
It Takes Two to Tango: Signaling Behavioral Intent in Service Multinationals' Foreign Entry Strategies
CE Stevens, EE Makarius, D Mukherjee
Journal of International Management 21 (3), 235-248, 2015
Tether or Stepping Stone? The Relationship between Perceived External Reputation and Collective Voluntary Turnover Rates
EE Makarius, CE Stevens, A Tenhiälä
Organization Studies 38 (12), 1665-1686, 2017
Drivers of Collective Human Capital Flow: The Impact of Reputation and Labor Market Conditions
EE Makarius, CE Stevens
Journal of Management 45 (3), 1145-1172, 2019
Bound by Laws, or by Values? A Multi‐Level and Cross‐National Approach to Understanding the Protection of Minority Owners in Family Firms
CE Stevens, RE Kidwell, R Sprague
Corporate Governance: An International Review 23 (3), 203-215, 2015
Overcoming Information Asymmetry in Foreign Entry Strategy: The Impact of Reputation
CE Stevens, EE Makarius
Global Strategy Journal 5 (3), 256-272, 2015
A behavioral theory of governments’ ability to make credible commitments to firms: The case of the East Asian paradox
CE Stevens, JT Cooper
Asia Pacific Journal of Management 27, 587-610, 2010
The importance of client heterogeneity in predicting make-or-buy decisions
GM Kistruck, SS Morris, JW Webb, CE Stevens
Journal of Operations Management 33, 97-110, 2015
Foreignness in public–private partnerships: The case of project finance investments
BJ Dykes, CE Stevens, N Lahiri
Journal of International Business Policy 3, 183-197, 2020
Switching analytical mindsets: A person-centered approach to the analysis of cultural values
JT Cooper, LJ Stanley, CE Stevens, O Shenkar, C Kausch
International Journal of Cross Cultural Management 20 (2), 223-247, 2020
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Articles 1–20