Sarah Elena Windolph
Sarah Elena Windolph
Leuphana Universität Lüneburg
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Motivations for corporate sustainability management: Contrasting survey results and implementation
SE Windolph, D Harms, S Schaltegger
Corporate Social Responsibility and Environmental Management 21 (5), 272-285, 2014
Assessing corporate sustainability through ratings: challenges and their causes
SE Windolph
Journal of Environmental sustainability 1 (1), 5, 2011
Implementing corporate sustainability. What drives the application of sustainability management tools in Germany
SE Windolph, S Schaltegger, C Herzig
Motivations, Organizational Units, and Management Tools. Taking Stock of the …, 2014
Corporate sustainability barometer 2012
S Schaltegger, J Hörisch, SE Windolph, D Harms
Wie nachhaltig agieren Unternehmen in Deutschland, 2010
Corporate sustainability in international comparison
S Schaltegger, SE Windolph, D Harms, J Hörisch
State of practice, opportunities and challenges, 2014
International corporate sustainability barometer
S Schaltegger, D Harms, J Hörisch, S Windolph, R Burritt, A Carter, ...
CSM (Center for Sustainability Management), Luneburg, Germany, 2013
A longitudinal analysis of the knowledge and application of sustainability management tools in large German companies
S Schaltegger, S Windolph, C Herzig
Society and Economy 34 (4), 549-579, 2012
Involving corporate functions: who contributes to sustainable development?
S Schaltegger, D Harms, SE Windolph, J Hörisch
Sustainability 6 (5), 3064-3085, 2014
Linking sustainability-related stakeholder feedback to corporate sustainability performance: an empirical analysis of stakeholder dialogues
J Hörisch, S Schaltegger, SE Windolph
International Journal of Business Environment 7 (2), 200-218, 2015
Corporate Sustainability Barometer 2010: wie nachhaltig agieren Unternehmen in Deutschland?
S Schaltegger, D Harms, SE Windolph
CSM, Lehrstuhl für BWL, 2010
Corporate Sustainability Barometer 2012: Praxisstand und Fortschritt des Nachhaltigkeitsmanagements in den größten Unternehmen Deutschlands
S Schaltegger, J Hörisch, SE Windolph, D Harms
Center for Sustainability Management eV: Lüneburg, Deutschland, 2012
Mehr Partizipation wagen? Wirkungen und Potenziale einer intensiven Einbindung von Stakeholdern in Unternehmen
SE Windolph, J Hörisch, D Harms, S Schaltegger
uwf UmweltWirtschaftsForum 21, 119-126, 2013
Motivations, organizational units, and management tools
SE Windolph
Taking Stock of the Why, Who, and How of Implementing Corporate …, 2013
Organisational involvement of corporate functions in sustainability management
S Schaltegger, H Dorli, SE Windolph, J Hörisch
An empirical analysis of large german companies. Centre for Sustainability …, 2014
Overview of the aggregate results of the International Corporate Sustainability Barometer
J Hörisch, SE Windolph
Corporate sustainability in international comparison: State of practice …, 2014
International corporate sustainability barometer: introduction and structure
D Harms, J Hörisch, S Schaltegger, SE Windolph
Corporate Sustainability in International Comparison: State of Practice …, 2014
Praxisstand und Fortschritt des Nachhaltigkeitsmanagements in den größten Unternehmen Deutschlands
S Schaltegger, J Hörisch, SE Windolph, D Harms
Lüneburg: CSM Centre for Sustainability Management (Corporate Sustainability …, 2012
Corporate Sustainability Management in Large German Companies
J Hörisch, SE Windolph, S Schaltegger
Corporate Sustainability in International Comparison: State of Practice …, 2014
Motivations, Organizational Units, and Management Tools. Taking Stock of the Why, Who, and How of Implementing Corporate Sustainability Management
SE Windolph
by Medien-und Informationszentrum, Leuphana Universität Lüneburg Files in …, 2013
Implementing sustainable and responsible business: sustainability management tools and their dissemination in German companies
S Schaltegger, S Windolph, C Herzig
Nottingham Trent University, 2012
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Articles 1–20