Andre Brodkorb
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Cited by
A standardised static in vitro digestion method suitable for food–an international consensus
M Minekus, M Alminger, P Alvito, S Ballance, T Bohn, C Bourlieu, ...
Food & function 5 (6), 1113-1124, 2014
INFOGEST static in vitro simulation of gastrointestinal food digestion
A Brodkorb, L Egger, M Alminger, P Alvito, R Assunção, S Ballance, ...
Nature protocols 14 (4), 991-1014, 2019
The casein micelle: Historical aspects, current concepts and significance
PF Fox, A Brodkorb
International dairy journal 18 (7), 677-684, 2008
Bioactivity of β-lactoglobulin and α-lactalbumin—Technological implications for processing
DEW Chatterton, G Smithers, P Roupas, A Brodkorb
International Dairy Journal 16 (11), 1229-1240, 2006
A standardised semi-dynamic in vitro digestion method suitable for food–an international consensus
AI Mulet-Cabero, L Egger, R Portmann, O Ménard, S Marze, M Minekus, ...
Food & function 11 (2), 1702-1720, 2020
The harmonized INFOGEST in vitro digestion method: From knowledge to action
L Egger, O Ménard, C Delgado-Andrade, P Alvito, R Assunção, S Balance, ...
Food Research International 88, 217-225, 2016
Development and characterisation of whey protein micro-beads as potential matrices for probiotic protection
SB Doherty, VL Gee, RP Ross, C Stanton, GF Fitzgerald, A Brodkorb
Food hydrocolloids 25 (6), 1604-1617, 2011
Extending in vitro digestion models to specific human populations: Perspectives, practical tools and bio-relevant information
C Shani-Levi, P Alvito, A Andrés, R Assunção, R Barberá, S Blanquet-Diot, ...
Trends in Food Science & Technology 60, 52-63, 2017
Bovine β-lactoglobulin/fatty acid complexes: binding, structural, and biological properties
S Le Maux, S Bouhallab, L Giblin, A Brodkorb, T Croguennec
Dairy science & technology 94, 409-426, 2014
Structural mechanism and kinetics of in vitro gastric digestion are affected by process-induced changes in bovine milk
AI Mulet-Cabero, AR Mackie, PJ Wilde, MA Fenelon, A Brodkorb
Food Hydrocolloids 86, 172-183, 2019
Heat-induced denaturation, aggregation and gelation of whey proteins
A Brodkorb, T Croguennec, S Bouhallab, JJ Kehoe
Advanced dairy chemistry: volume 1B: proteins: applied aspects, 155-178, 2016
Functional properties of pea protein hydrolysates in emulsions and spray-dried microcapsules
F Tamm, S Herbst, A Brodkorb, S Drusch
Food Hydrocolloids 58, 204-214, 2016
Characterization of β-Lactoglobulin Fibrillar Assembly Using Atomic Force Microscopy, Polyacrylamide Gel Electrophoresis, and in Situ Fourier Transform Infrared …
D Oboroceanu, L Wang, A Brodkorb, E Magner, MAE Auty
Journal of Agricultural and Food Chemistry 58 (6), 3667-3673, 2010
Production of unpurified agar-based extracts from red seaweed Gelidium sesquipedale by means of simplified extraction protocols
M Martínez-Sanz, LG Gómez-Mascaraque, AR Ballester, A Martínez-Abad, ...
Algal Research 38, 101420, 2019
Dairy food structures influence the rates of nutrient digestion through different in vitro gastric behaviour
AI Mulet-Cabero, NM Rigby, A Brodkorb, AR Mackie
Food hydrocolloids 67, 63-73, 2017
The effect of heating on β-lactoglobulin–chitosan mixtures as influenced by pH and ionic strength
JS Mounsey, BT O’Kennedy, MA Fenelon, A Brodkorb
Food Hydrocolloids 22 (1), 65-73, 2008
Production, analysis and in vivo evaluation of novel angiotensin-I-converting enzyme inhibitory peptides from bovine casein
Z Jiang, B Tian, A Brodkorb, G Huo
Food chemistry 123 (3), 779-786, 2010
Structure and antioxidant activity of Maillard reaction products from α-lactalbumin and β-lactoglobulin with ribose in an aqueous model system
Z Jiang, A Brodkorb
Food Chemistry 133 (3), 960-968, 2012
Survival of entrapped Lactobacillus rhamnosus GG in whey protein micro-beads during simulated ex vivo gastro-intestinal transit
SB Doherty, MA Auty, C Stanton, RP Ross, GF Fitzgerald, A Brodkorb
International Dairy Journal 22 (1), 31-43, 2012
Enzymatic hydrolysis of heat-induced aggregates of whey protein isolate
IB O’Loughlin, BA Murray, PM Kelly, RJ Fitzgerald, A Brodkorb
Journal of Agricultural and Food Chemistry 60 (19), 4895-4904, 2012
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Articles 1–20