Dr. Chad Walker
Cited by
Cited by
Procedural justice in Canadian wind energy development: A comparison of community-based and technocratic siting processes
C Walker, J Baxter
Energy Research & Social Science 29, 160-169, 2017
Scale, history and justice in community wind energy: An empirical review
J Baxter, C Walker, G Ellis, P Devine-Wright, M Adams, R Smith Fullerton
Energy Research and Social Science 68, 2020
Beyond rhetoric to understanding determinants of wind turbine support and conflict in two Ontario, Canada communities
C Walker, J Baxter, D Ouellette
Environment and Planning A 46 (3), 730-745, 2014
“It's easy to throw rocks at a corporation”: wind energy development and distributive justice in Canada
C Walker, J Baxter
Journal of Environmental Policy and Planning, 2017
Renewable energy and energy autonomy: how Indigenous peoples in Canada are shaping an energy future
RD Stefanelli, C Walker, D Kornelsen, D Lewis, DH Martin, J Masuda, ...
Environmental Reviews 27 (1), 95-105, 2019
Method sequence and dominance in mixed methods research: A case study of the social acceptance of wind energy literature
C Walker, J Baxter
International Journal of Qualitative Methods 18, 1609406919834379, 2019
Adding insult to injury: The development of psychosocial stress in Ontario wind turbine communities
C Walker, J Baxter, D Ouellette
Social Science & Medicine 133, 358-365, 2015
“His main platform is ‘stop the turbines’”: Political discourse, partisanship and local responses to wind energy in Canada
C Walker, L Stephenson, J Baxter
Energy policy 123, 670-681, 2018
Are the pens working for justice? News media coverage of renewable energy involving Indigenous Peoples in Canada
C Walker, A Alexander, MB Doucette, D Lewis, HT Neufeld, D Martin, ...
Energy Research & Social Science 57, 101230, 2019
What is ‘local’ about Smart Local Energy Systems? Emerging stakeholder geographies of decentralised energy in the United Kingdom
C Walker, P Devine-Wright, M Rohse, L Gooding, H Devine-Wright, ...
Energy Research and Social Science 80, 102182, 2021
Ontario’s Green Energy and Green Economy Act: Why a Well-Intentioned Law is Mired in Controversy and Opposed by Rural Communities
D McRobert, J Tennent-Riddell, C Walker
Renewable Energy Law and Policy Review 7 (2), 91-112, 2016
COPs and ‘Robbers?’ Better understanding Community Energy and towards a Communities of Place then Interest approach  
C Walker, G Poelzer, R Leonhardt, B Noble, C Hoicka
Energy Research and Social Science 92 (102797), 1-13, 2022
Do the ends justify the means? Problematizing social acceptance and instrumentally-driven community engagement in proposed energy projects
S Ryder, C Walker, S Batel, H Devine-Wright, P Devine-Wright
Socio-Ecological Practice Research (SEPR), 2023
Critical pathways to renewable energy transitions in remote Alaska communities: A comparative analysis
G Holdmann, D Pride, G Poelzer, B Noble, C Walker
Energy Research & Social Science 91, 102712, 2022
Wind energy development and perceived real estate values in Ontario, Canada
C Walker, J Baxter, S Mason, I Luginaah, D Ouellette
AIMS Energy 2 (4), 424-442, 2014
Non-Indigenous partner perspectives on Indigenous peoples’ involvement in renewable energy: Exploring reconciliation as relationships of accountability or status quo innocence?
C Walker, MB Doucette, S Rotz, D Lewis, H Tait Neufeld, H Castleden
Qualitative Research in Organizations and Management, 2021
Predictors of medical student interest in Indigenous health learning and clinical practice: a Canadian case study
S Yeung, A Bombay, C Walker, J Denis, D Martin, P Sylvestre, ...
BMC medical education 18, 1-11, 2018
Are the Natural Sciences Ready for Truth, Healing, and Reconciliation with Indigenous Peoples in Canada? Exploring ‘Settler Readiness’ at a World-Class Freshwater Research Station
E Bozhkov, C Walker, V McCourt, H Castleden
Journal of Environmental Studies and Sciences, 2020
Constructing practices of engagement with users and communities: comparing emergent state-led Smart Local Energy Systems
I Soutar, P Devine-Wright, M Rohse, C Walker, L Gooding, ...
Energy Policy, 2022
Sustainable development and environmental injustice in rural Ontario, Canada: cases of wind energy and biosolid processing
C Walker, S Mason, D Bednar
Journal of Rural and Community Development 13 (2), 2018
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Articles 1–20