Gabrielle Meagher
Cited by
Cited by
Marketisation in Nordic eldercare: a research report on legislation, oversight, extent and consequences
G Meagher, M Szebehely
Department of Social Work, Stockholm University, 2013
Neoliberalism, new public management and the human service professions: Introduction to the special issue
R Connell, B Fawcett, G Meagher
Journal of Sociology 45 (4), 331-338, 2009
The reprofessionalization of social work: Collaborative approaches for achieving professional recognition
K Healy, G Meagher
British Journal of Social Work 34 (2), 243-260, 2004
Nordic eldercare–Weak universalism becoming weaker?
M Szebehely, G Meagher
Journal of European Social Policy 28 (3), 294-308, 2018
Working in human services: How do experiences and working conditions in child welfare social work compare?
P Tham, G Meagher
British journal of social work 39 (5), 807-827, 2009
Modernising social work and the ethics of care
G Meagher, N Parton
Social Work & Society 2 (1), 10-27, 2004
Retaining novices to become expert child protection practitioners: Creating career pathways in direct practice
K Healy, G Meagher, J Cullin
British Journal of Social Work 39 (2), 299-317, 2009
The changing boundary between home and market: Australian trends in outsourcing domestic labour
M Bittman, G Matheson, G Meagher
Work, Employment & Society 13 (2), 249-273, 1999
Mapping marketisation: concepts and goals
A Anttonen, G Meagher
Marketisation in Nordic eldercare, 2013
What can we expect from paid carers?
G Meagher
Politics & Society 34 (1), 33-54, 2006
Social policy for social change
B Fawcett, S Goodwin, G Meagher, R Phillips
Palgrave Macmillan Australia, 2010
Is it wrong to pay for housework?
G Meagher
Hypatia 17 (2), 52-66, 2002
Long-Term Care in Sweden: Trends, Actors, and Consequences
G Meagher, M Szebehely
Reforms in Long-Term Care Policies in Europe: Investigating Institutional …, 2013
Social workers’ preparation for child protection: Revisiting the question of specialisation
K Healy, G Meagher
Australian Social Work 60 (3), 321-335, 2007
Caring, controlling, contracting and counting: Governments and non‐profits in community services
G Meagher, K Healy
Australian Journal of Public Administration 62 (3), 40-51, 2003
Australian Social Attitudes: The First Report
S Wilson, G Meagher, R Gibson, D Denemark, M Western
University of New South Wales Press, 2005
Four Nordic countries–four responses to the international trend of marketisation
M Szebehely, G Meagher
Marketisation in Nordic eldercare, 2013
Introduction: Capturing marketisation in Australian social policy
G Meagher, S Goodwin
Markets, rights and power in Australian social policy, 1-28, 2015
How institutions matter for job characteristics, quality and experiences: a comparison of home care work for older people in Australia and Sweden
G Meagher, M Szebehely, J Mears
Work, Employment & Society 30 (5), 731-749; doi:10.1177/0950017015625601, 2016
Becoming an industry: The struggle of social and community workers for Award coverage, 1976—2001
C Briggs, G Meagher, K Healy
Journal of Industrial Relations 49 (4), 497-521, 2007
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