Daniel Gorman
Cited by
Cited by
Recovering subtidal forests in human‐dominated landscapes
D Gorman, SD Connell
Journal of Applied Ecology 46 (6), 1258-1265, 2009
Land-to-sea connectivity: linking human-derived terrestrial subsidies to subtidal habitat change on open rocky coasts
D Gorman, BD Russell, SD Connell
Ecological Applications 19 (5), 1114-1126, 2009
Bright Spots in Coastal Marine Ecosystem Restoration
MI Saunders, C Doropoulos, E Bayraktarov, RC Babcock, D Gorman, ...
Current Biology 30 (24), R1500-R1510, 2020
Seagrass and epiphytic algae support nutrition of a fisheries species, Sillago schomburgkii, in adjacent intertidal habitats
RM Connolly, JS Hindell, D Gorman
Marine Ecology Progress Series 286, 69-79, 2005
Movement of carbon among estuarine habitats and its assimilation by invertebrates
RM Connolly, D Gorman, MA Guest
Oecologia 144, 684-691, 2005
Modeling kelp forest distribution and biomass along temperate rocky coastlines
D Gorman, T Bajjouk, J Populus, M Vasquez, A Ehrhold
Marine biology 160 (2), 309-325, 2013
Colour spectrum and resin-type determine the concentration and composition of Polycyclic Aromatic Hydrocarbons (PAHs) in plastic pellets
M Fisner, A Majer, S Taniguchi, M Bícego, A Turra, D Gorman
Marine Pollution Bulletin 122 (1-2), 323-330, 2017
Using propagules to restore coastal marine ecosystems
MA Vanderklift, C Doropoulos, D Gorman, I Leal, AJP Minne, J Statton, ...
Frontiers in Marine Science 7, 724, 2020
Organic contamination of beached plastic pellets in the South Atlantic: Risk assessments can benefit by considering spatial gradients
D Gorman, FT Moreira, A Turra, FR Fontenelle, T Combi, MC Bícego, ...
Chemosphere 223, 608-615, 2019
Climate and intertidal zonation drive variability in the carbon stocks of Sri Lankan mangrove forests
PLIGM Cooray, KAS Kodikara, MP Kumara, UI Jayasinghe, ...
Geoderma 389, 114929, 2021
High congruence of isotope sewage signals in multiple marine taxa
RM Connolly, D Gorman, JS Hindell, TN Kildea, TA Schlacher
Marine pollution bulletin 71 (1-2), 152-158, 2013
Rainfall and tidal cycle regulate seasonal inputs of microplastic pellets to sandy beaches
D Balthazar-Silva, A Turra, FT Moreira, RM Camargo, AL Oliveira, ...
Frontiers in Environmental Science 8, 123, 2020
Quantifying microplastic pollution on sandy beaches: the conundrum of large sample variability and spatial heterogeneity
M Fisner, AP Majer, D Balthazar-Silva, D Gorman, A Turra
Environmental Science and Pollution Research 15 (24), 13732-13740, 2017
Decadal losses of canopy‐forming algae along the warm temperate coastline of Brazil
D Gorman, P Horta, AAV Flores, A Turra, FAS Berchez, MB Batista, ...
Global Change Biology 26 (3), 1446-1457, 2020
The role of mangrove revegetation as a means of restoring macrofaunal communities along degraded coasts
D Gorman, A Turra
Science of The Total Environment 566, 223-229, 2016
Monitoring nitrogen pollution in seasonally-pulsed coastal waters requires judicious choice of indicator species
D Gorman, A Turra, RM Connolly, AD Olds, TA Schlacher
Marine Pollution Bulletin 122 (1-2), 149-155, 2017
Predicting the dispersal and accumulation of microplastic pellets within the estuarine and coastal waters of south-eastern Brazil using integrated rainfall data and Lagrangian …
D Gorman, AR Gutiérrez, A Turra, AB Manzano, D Balthazar-Silva, ...
Frontiers in Environmental Science 8, 178, 2020
Historical losses of mangrove systems in South America from human-induced and natural impacts
D Gorman
Threats to Mangrove Forests: Hazards, Vulnerability, and Management, 155-171, 2018
Blue carbon in the Indian Ocean: A review and research agenda
MA Vanderklift, D Gorman, ADL Steven
Journal of the Indian Ocean Region 15 (2), 129-138, 2019
Population expansion of a tropical seagrass (Halophila decipiens) in the southwest Atlantic (Brazil)
D Gorman, A Turra, ER Bergstrom, PA Horta
Aquatic Botany 132, 30-36, 2016
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Articles 1–20