Leandro Buss Becker
Leandro Buss Becker
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A predictive controller for autonomous vehicle path tracking
GV Raffo, GK Gomes, JE Normey-Rico, CR Kelber, LB Becker
IEEE transactions on intelligent transportation systems 10 (1), 92-102, 2009
F-lqe: A fuzzy link quality estimator for wireless sensor networks
N Baccour, A Koubâa, H Youssef, M Ben Jamâa, D Do Rosario, M Alves, ...
Wireless Sensor Networks: 7th European Conference, EWSN 2010, Coimbra …, 2010
Radiale: A framework for designing and assessing link quality estimators in wireless sensor networks
N Baccour, A Koubâa, MB Jamâa, D Do Rosario, H Youssef, M Alves, ...
Ad Hoc Networks 9 (7), 1165-1185, 2011
SIMOO-RT-an object-oriented framework for the development of real-time industrial automation systems
LB Becker, CE Pereira
IEEE Transactions on Robotics and Automation 18 (4), 421-430, 2002
Modeling and control of a tiltrotor UAV for path tracking
R Donadel, GV Raffo, LB Becker
IFAC Proceedings Volumes 47 (3), 3839-3844, 2014
Optimizing real-time embedded systems development using a RTSJ-based API
MA Wehrmeister, LB Becker, CE Pereira
OTM Confederated International Conferences" On the Move to Meaningful …, 2004
Energy Profile Evaluation of a Cyber-Physical System
EN Moraes, LB Becker
2012 Brazilian Symposium on Computing System Engineering, 53-58, 2012
Experimenting sensor nodes localization in WSN with UAV acting as mobile agent
J Grigulo, LB Becker
2018 IEEE 23rd International Conference on Emerging Technologies and Factory …, 2018
Using the fomda approach to support object-oriented real-time systems development
FP Basso, TC Oliveira, LB Becker
Ninth IEEE International Symposium on Object and Component-Oriented Real …, 2006
An object-oriented platform-based design process for embedded real-time systems
MA Wehrmeister, LB Becker, FR Wagner, CE Pereira
Eighth IEEE International Symposium on Object-Oriented Real-Time Distributed …, 2005
Small scale UAV with birotor configuration
FS Gonçalves, JP Bodanese, R Donadel, GV Raffo, JE Normey-Rico, ...
2013 International Conference on Unmanned Aircraft Systems (ICUAS), 761-768, 2013
Formal verification of AADL models using UPPAAL
FS Goncalves, D Pereira, E Tovar, LB Becker
2017 VII Brazilian Symposium on Computing Systems Engineering (SBESC), 117-124, 2017
Supporting large scale model transformation reuse
FP Basso, RM Pillat, TC Oliveira, LB Becker
Proceedings of the 12th international conference on Generative programming …, 2013
Robust scheduling in team-robotics
LB Becker, E Nett, S Schemmer, M Gergeleit
Journal of Systems and Software 77 (1), 3-16, 2005
MOSYS: A methodology for automatic object identification from system specification
LB Becker, CE Pereira, OP Dias, IM Teixeira, JP Teixeira
Proceedings Third IEEE International Symposium on Object-Oriented Real-Time …, 2000
An integrated environment for the complete development cycle of an object-oriented distributed real-time system
LB Becker, M Gergeleit, E Nett, CE Pereira
Proceedings 2nd IEEE International Symposium on Object-Oriented Real-Time …, 1999
Dual-stack single-radio communication architecture for UAV acting as a mobile node to collect data in WSNs
A Sayyed, G Medeiros de Araújo, JP Bodanese, L Buss Becker
Sensors 15 (9), 23376-23401, 2015
Genetic machine learning approach for link quality prediction in mobile wireless sensor networks
GM Araújo, AR Pinto, J Kaiser, LB Becker
Cooperative robots and sensor networks, 1-18, 2014
A testbed for the evaluation of link quality estimators in wireless sensor networks
N Baccour, MB Jamâa, D do Rosário, A Koubâa, H Youssef, M Alves, ...
ACS/IEEE International Conference on Computer Systems and Applications …, 2010
Wireless coexistence and spectrum sensing in industrial Internet of Things: An experimental study
JM Winter, I Muller, G Soatti, S Savazzi, M Nicoli, LB Becker, JC Netto, ...
International Journal of Distributed Sensor Networks 11 (11), 627083, 2015
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Articles 1–20