Alain Kibangou
Alain Kibangou
Univ. Grenoble Alpes
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Adaptive Kalman filtering for multi-step ahead traffic flow prediction
LL Ojeda, AY Kibangou, CC De Wit
2013 American Control Conference, 4724-4729, 2013
Wiener-Hammerstein systems modeling using diagonal Volterra kernels coefficients
AY Kibangou, G Favier
IEEE signal processing letters 13 (6), 381-384, 2006
Graph Laplacian based matrix design for finite-time distributed average consensus
AY Kibangou
2012 American Control Conference (ACC), 1901-1906, 2012
Nonlinear system modeling and identification using Volterra‐PARAFAC models
G Favier, AY Kibangou, T Bouilloc
International Journal of Adaptive Control and Signal Processing 26 (1), 30-53, 2012
Traffic data imputation via tensor completion based on soft thresholding of Tucker core
JHM Goulart, AY Kibangou, G Favier
Transportation Research Part C: Emerging Technologies 85, 348-362, 2017
Energy-aware adaptive attitude estimation under external acceleration for pedestrian navigation
A Makni, H Fourati, AY Kibangou
IEEE/ASME Transactions On Mechatronics 21 (3), 1366-1375, 2015
Grenoble traffic lab: An experimental platform for advanced traffic monitoring and forecasting [applications of control]
CC De Wit, F Morbidi, LL Ojeda, AY Kibangou, I Bellicot, P Bellemain
IEEE Control Systems Magazine 35 (3), 23-39, 2015
Finite-time average consensus based protocol for distributed estimation over awgn channels
AY Kibangou
2011 50th IEEE Conference on Decision and Control and European Control …, 2011
Graph constrained-CTM observer design for the Grenoble south ring
C Canudas-de-Wit, LL Ojeda, AY Kibangou
IFAC Proceedings Volumes 45 (24), 197-202, 2012
Adaptive Kalman filter for MEMS-IMU based attitude estimation under external acceleration and parsimonious use of gyroscopes
A Makni, H Fourati, AY Kibangou
2014 European Control Conference (ECC), 1379-1384, 2014
Non-iterative solution for PARAFAC with a Toeplitz matrix factor
AY Kibangou, G Favier
2009 17th European Signal Processing Conference, 691-695, 2009
Selection of generalized orthonormal bases for second-order Volterra filters
AY Kibangou, G Favier, MM Hassani
Signal Processing 85 (12), 2371-2385, 2005
Density/flow reconstruction via heterogeneous sources and optimal sensor placement in road networks
E Lovisari, CC De Wit, AY Kibangou
Transportation Research Part C: Emerging Technologies 69, 451-476, 2016
Distributed large-scale tensor decomposition
ALF De Almeida, AY Kibangou
2014 IEEE International Conference on Acoustics, Speech and Signal …, 2014
Decentralized Laplacian eigenvalues estimation and collaborative network topology identification
AY Kibangou, C Commault
IFAC Proceedings Volumes 45 (26), 7-12, 2012
Identification of parallel-cascade Wiener systems using joint diagonalization of third-order Volterra kernel slices
AY Kibangou, G Favier
IEEE Signal Processing Letters 16 (3), 188-191, 2009
Blind equalization of nonlinear channels using a tensor decomposition with code/space/time diversities
AY Kibangou, G Favier
Signal Processing 89 (2), 133-143, 2009
Tensor analysis-based model structure determination and parameter estimation for block-oriented nonlinear systems
AY Kibangou, G Favier
IEEE Journal of Selected Topics in Signal Processing 4 (3), 514-525, 2010
Distributed estimation of Laplacian eigenvalues via constrained consensus optimization problems
AY Kibangou
Systems & Control Letters 80, 56-62, 2015
Laguerre-Volterra filters optimization based on Laguerre spectra
AY Kibangou, G Favier, MM Hassani
EURASIP Journal on Advances in Signal Processing 2005, 1-14, 2005
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Articles 1–20