David Charles
David Charles
Newcastle Business School, Northumbria University
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Cited by
University spin-off policies and economic development in less successful regions: Learning from two decades of policy practice
P Benneworth, D Charles
European Planning Studies 13 (4), 537-557, 2005
Making sense of diversity and reluctance: academic–industrial relations and intellectual property
B Rappert, A Webster, D Charles
Research policy 28 (8), 873-890, 1999
Universities and territorial development: reshaping the regional role of UK universities
D Charles
Local economy 18 (1), 7-20, 2003
Universities as key knowledge infrastructures in regional innovation systems
D Charles
Innovation: the European journal of social science research 19 (1), 117-130, 2006
University‐industry collaboration: a CoPs approach to KTPs
D Gertner, J Roberts, D Charles
Journal of knowledge management 15 (4), 625-647, 2011
Technology transfer in Europe: public and private networks
D Charles, J Howells
Belhaven Press, 1992
Building localized interactions between universities and cities through university spatial development
P Benneworth, D Charles, A Madanipour
European planning studies 18 (10), 1611-1629, 2010
Universities and communities
J Goddard, D Charles, A Pike, G Potts, D Bradley
Committee of Vice-Chancellors and Principals, London, 1994
Corporate restructuring and cohesion in the new Europe
A Amin, DR Charles, J Howells
Regional Studies 26 (4), 319-331, 1992
Higher education-business interaction survey
D Charles, C Conway
Higher Education Funding Council for England, London, 2001
Universities in crisis?—new challenges and strategies in two English city-regions
D Charles, F Kitagawa, E Uyarra
Cambridge journal of regions, economy and society 7 (2), 327-348, 2014
Universities and engagement with cities, regions and local communities
DR Charles
Rebalancing the social and economic: learning, partnership and place, 2005
Are we realizing our potential? Joining up science and technology policy in the English regions
D Charles, P Benneworth
Regional Studies 35 (1), 73-79, 2001
Bridging cluster theory and practice: learning from the cluster policy cycle
P Benneworth, D Charles
Innovative Clusters, 389, 2001
The rural university campus and support for rural innovation
D Charles
Science and Public Policy 43 (6), 763-773, 2016
The drivers of climate change innovations: Evidence from the Australian wine industry
J Galbreath, D Charles, E Oczkowski
Journal of Business Ethics 135, 217-231, 2016
Clustering as a new growth strategy for regional economies? A discussion of new forms of regional industrial policy in the United Kingdom
A Lagendijk, D Charles
Boosting innovation the cluster approach, 127, 1999
Innovative clusters: drivers of national innovation policy
P Den Hertog, E Bergman, D Charles
OECD Publishing, 2001
Evaluating the Regional Contribution of an HEI: A Benchmarking Approach. Good Practice.
D Charles, P Benneworth
Higher Education Funding Council for England, Northavon House, Coldharbour …, 2002
EU cohesion policy in practice: what does it achieve?
J Bachtler, I Begg, D Charles, L Polverari
Rowman & Littlefield, 2016
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Articles 1–20