Orazio Licciardello
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Cited by
Gli strumenti psicosociali nella ricerca e nell'intervento. Premesse epistemologiche e dimensioni applicative
O Licciardello
FrancoAngeli, 1994
Gender differences and attitudes in entrepreneurial intentions: the role of career choice
JC Sánchez, O Licciardello
JWEE, 7-27, 2012
Individualism, collectivism and social identity theory.
D Capozza, A Voci, O Licciardello
Sage Publications Ltd, 2000
Il piccolo gruppo psicologico: teoria e applicazioni
O Licciardello
FrancoAngeli, 2001
La rappresentazione del Sé in gruppi di diversa età e status sociale. Confronto fra le strutture fattoriali del Differenziale Semantico sul concetto di Sé attuale
S Di Nuovo, O Licciardello
Relazioni fra gruppi e identità sociale, 187-224, 1997
Immigrazione, acculturazione, modalità di contatto
R Brown, D Capozza, O Licciardello
FrancoAngeli, 2007
Identity inclusiveness and centrality: Investigating identity correlates of attitudes toward immigrants and immigration policies
A Espinosa, R Guerra, S Sanatkar, S Paolini, D Damigella, O Licciardello, ...
Journal of Social Issues 74 (4), 674-699, 2018
Stereotypes and prejudices at school: A study on primary school reading books
D Damigella, O Licciardello
Procedia-Social and Behavioral Sciences 127, 209-213, 2014
High school students’ value system
C Castiglione, A Rampullo, O Licciardello
Procedia-Social and Behavioral Sciences 141, 1330-1334, 2014
Liquid modernity and entrepreneurship orientation in university students
C Castiglione, O Licciardello, JC Sánchez, A Rampullo, C Campione
Procedia-Social and Behavioral Sciences 84, 1250-1254, 2013
Prejudice toward gay men and lesbians in relation to cross-group friendship and gender
A Rampullo, C Castiglione, O Licciardello, V Scolla
Procedia-Social and Behavioral Sciences 84, 308-313, 2013
Social dominance orientation, cross-group friendship and prejudice towards homosexuals
O Licciardello, C Castiglione, A Rampullo, V Scolla
Procedia-Social and Behavioral Sciences 116, 4988-4992, 2014
Motivations and perceived organizational climate among volunteers of Italian Red Cross
O Licciardello, G Di Marco, M Mauceri
Procedia-Social and Behavioral Sciences 84, 584-588, 2013
Representation of future changes in menopausal women
C Castiglione, O Licciardello, A Rampullo, C Campione
Procedia-Social and Behavioral Sciences 116, 4993-4997, 2014
Intergroup anxiety, empathy and cross-group friendship: Effects on attitudes towards gay men
C Castiglione, O Licciardello, A Rampullo, C Campione
Procedia-Social and Behavioral Sciences 93, 969-973, 2013
Attitudes towards the sexuality of men with intellectual disability: the effect of social dominance orientation
G Di Marco, O Licciardello, M Mauceri, RMC La Guidara
Procedia-Social and Behavioral Sciences 84, 1194-1198, 2013
Intergroup contact, value system and the representation of homosexuality
O Licciardello, C Castiglione, A Rampullo
Procedia-Social and Behavioral Sciences 30, 1467-1471, 2011
Intrapersonal factors effects on professional orientation and environmental representations
A Rampullo, O Licciardello, C Castiglione
Procedia-Social and Behavioral Sciences 205, 422-428, 2015
Il modello di acculturazione interattiva e gli orientamenti della comunità ospitante nei confronti degli immigrati, una rassegna di recenti studi empirici
RY Bourhis
Immigrazione, acculturazione, modalità di contatto, 139-167, 2007
Current experience and future plans in italian adolescents of secondary schools
C Castiglione, O Licciardello, M Mauceri, A Rampullo
Procedia-Social and Behavioral Sciences 46, 5593-5602, 2012
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Articles 1–20