Sandra Götz
Sandra Götz
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Cited by
Fluency in native and nonnative English speech
S Götz
John Benjamins Publishing Company, 2013
Fluency versus accuracy in advanced spoken learner language: A multi-method approach
C Brand, S Götz
International Journal of Corpus Linguistics 16 (2), 255-275, 2011
Formulaic sequences in spoken ENL, ESL, and EFL
S Götz, M Schilk, M Hundt, J Mukherjee
Exploring Second-Language Varieties of English and Learner Englishes, 79-100, 2011
Learner corpora in language testing and assessment
S Götz, M Callies
John Benjamins Publishing Company, 2015
The present perfect in learner Englishes: A corpus-based case study on L1 German intermediate and advanced speech and writing
R Fuchs, S Götz, V Werner
Re-assessing the present perfect, 297-338, 2016
Linguistic innovations in EFL and ESL: Rethinking the linguistic creativity of non-native English speakers
SC Deshors, S Götz, S Laporte
International Journal of Learner Corpus Research 2 (2), 131-150, 2016
Learner corpora in language testing and assessment: Prospects and challenges
M Callies, S Götz
Learner corpora in language testing and assessment, 1-9, 2015
Tense and aspect errors in spoken learner English
S Götz
Learner corpora in English testing and assessment, 191-216, 2015
Evaluation of data-driven learning in university teaching: A project report
S Götz, J Mukherjee
Corpus technology and language pedagogy: New resources, new tools, new …, 2006
Filled pauses across proficiency levels, L1s and learning context variables: A multivariate exploration of the Trinity Lancaster Corpus Sample
S Götz
International Journal of Learner corpus research 5 (2), 159-180, 2019
The progressive in spoken learner language: A corpus-based analysis of use and misuse
S Dose-Heidelmayer, S Götz
International Review of Applied Linguistics in Language Teaching 54 (3), 229-256, 2016
Interactivity in language learning applications: A case study based on Duolingo
S Falk, S Götz, T Zeyer, S Stuhlmann, RD Jones
Interaktivität beim Fremdsprachenlehren und-lernen mit digitalen Medien: Hit …, 2016
Rethinking linguistic creativity in non-native Englishes
SC Deshors, S Laporte, S Götz
John Benjamins Publishing Company, 2018
Learner corpora and language teaching
J Mukherjee, S Götz
John Benjamins Publishing Company, 2019
Performanzphänomene in gesprochenem Lernerenglisch: eine korpusbasierte Pilotstudie
S Götz
Zeitschrift für Fremdsprachenforschung 18 (1), 67-84, 2007
Possibilities and drawbacks of using an online application for semi-automatic corpus analysis to investigate discourse markers and alternative fluency variables
C Wolk, S Götz, K Jäschke
Corpus Pragmatics 5 (1), 7-36, 2021
L1 influence vs. universal mechanisms: An SLA-driven corpus study on temporal expression
V Werner, R Fuchs, S Götz
Learner corpus research meets second language acquisition, 39, 2021
Testing task types in data-driven learning: Benefits and limitations
S Götz
Aufgaben 2, 249-276, 2012
Learner corpora and learning context
J Mukherjee, S Götz
The Cambridge handbook of learner corpus research, 423-442, 2015
Investigating the effect of the study abroad variable on learner output: A pseudo-longitudinal study on spoken German learner English
S Götz, J Mukherjee
Learner corpus research: New perspectives and applications, 47-65, 2017
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Articles 1–20