Sergey Cherednichenko
Cited by
Cited by
The Herschel-heterodyne instrument for the far-infrared (HIFI)
T De Graauw, FP Helmich, TG Phillips, J Stutzki, E Caux, ND Whyborn, ...
Astronomy & Astrophysics 518, L6, 2010
Picosecond hot-electron energy relaxation in NbN superconducting photodetectors
KS Il'in, M Lindgren, M Currie, AD Semenov, GN Gol’tsman, R Sobolewski, ...
Applied Physics Letters 76 (19), 2752-2754, 2000
Hot-electron bolometer terahertz mixers for the Herschel Space Observatory
S Cherednichenko, V Drakinskiy, T Berg, P Khosropanah, E Kollberg
Review of scientific instruments 79 (3), 2008
Mobility Improvement and Microwave Characterization of a Graphene Field Effect Transistor With Silicon Nitride Gate Dielectrics
O Habibpour, S Cherednichenko, J Vukusic, J Stake
IEEE Electron Device Letters 32 (7), 871 - 873, 2011
Single-chip 220-GHz active heterodyne receiver and transmitter MMICs with on-chip integrated antenna
M Abbasi, SE Gunnarsson, N Wadefalk, R Kozhuharov, J Svedin, ...
IEEE Transactions on Microwave Theory and Techniques 59 (2), 466-478, 2010
NbN hot electron bolometric mixers for terahertz receivers
M Kroug, S Cherednichenko, H Merkel, E Kollberg, B Voronov, ...
IEEE Transactions on Applied Superconductivity 11 (1), 962-965, 2001
Millimetron—a large Russian-European submillimeter space observatory
W Wild, NS Kardashev, Millimetron consortium:, SF Likhachev, ...
Experimental Astronomy 23, 221-244, 2009
Large bandwidth of NbN phonon-cooled hot-electron bolometer mixers on sapphire substrates
S Cherednichenko, P Yagoubov, K Il'in, G Gol'tsman, E Gershenzon
Proc. 8th Int. Symp. on Space Terahertz Technology 245, 1997
A 220 GHz single-chip receiver MMIC with integrated antenna
SE Gunnarsson, N Wadefalk, J Svedin, S Cherednichenko, I Angelov, ...
IEEE Microwave and wireless components letters 18 (4), 284-286, 2008
Terahertz superconducting hot-electron bolometer mixers
S Cherednichenko, P Khosropanah, E Kollberg, M Kroug, H Merkel
Physica C: Superconductivity 372, 407-415, 2002
1.6 THz heterodyne receiver for the far infrared space telescope
S Cherednichenko, M Kroug, H Merkel, P Khosropanah, A Adam, ...
Physica C: Superconductivity 372, 427-431, 2002
A room temperature bolometer for terahertz coherent and incoherent detection
S Cherednichenko, A Hammar, S Bevilacqua, V Drakinskiy, J Stake, ...
IEEE Transactions on Terahertz Science and Technology 1 (2), 395-402, 2011
Low noise NbN lattice-cooled superconducting hot-electron bolometric mixers at submillimeter wavelengths
J Kawamura, R Blundell, CE Tong, G Gol’tsman, E Gershenzon, ...
Applied physics letters 70 (12), 1619-1621, 1997
Low noise terahertz MgB2 hot-electron bolometer mixers with an 11 GHz bandwidth
E Novoselov, S Cherednichenko
Applied Physics Letters 110 (3), 2017
Terahertz mixing in MgB2 microbolometers
S Cherednichenko, V Drakinskiy, K Ueda, M Naito
Applied Physics Letters 90 (2), 2007
The bandwidth of HEB mixers employing ultrathin NbN films on sapphire substrate
P Yagoubov, G Gol'tsman, B Voronov, L Seidman, V Siomash, ...
Proc. 7th Int. Symp. on Space Terahertz Technology 290, 1996
Towards quantum-limited coherent detection of terahertz waves in charge-neutral graphene
SK S. Lara-Avila, A. Danilov, D. Golubev, H. He, K.H. Kim, R. Yakimova, F ...
Nature Astronomy 3, 983-988, 2019
Terahertz Direct Detection inMicrobolometers
A Hammar, S Cherednichenko, S Bevilacqua, V Drakinskiy, J Stake
IEEE Transactions on Terahertz Science and Technology 1 (2), 390-394, 2011
Low kinetic inductance superconducting MgB2 nanowires with a 130 ps relaxation time for single-photon detection applications
S Cherednichenko, N Acharya, E Novoselov, V Drakinskiy
Superconductor Science and Technology 34 (4), 044001, 2021
Low noise MgB2 terahertz hot-electron bolometer mixers
S Bevilacqua, S Cherednichenko, V Drakinskiy, J Stake, H Shibata, ...
Applied Physics Letters 100 (3), 2012
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Articles 1–20