Mark J Brewer
Mark J Brewer
Biomathematics and Statistics Scotland
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Cited by
Green space and stress: evidence from cortisol measures in deprived urban communities
JJ Roe, CW Thompson, PA Aspinall, MJ Brewer, EI Duff, D Miller, ...
International journal of environmental research and public health 10 (9 …, 2013
Regression analysis of spatial data
CM Beale, JJ Lennon, JM Yearsley, MJ Brewer, DA Elston
Ecology letters 13 (2), 246-264, 2010
The relative performance of AIC, AICC and BIC in the presence of unobserved heterogeneity
MJ Brewer, A Butler, SL Cooksley
Methods in Ecology and Evolution 7 (6), 679-692, 2016
Possible human impacts on adaptive radiation: beak size bimodality in Darwin's finches
AP Hendry, PR Grant, B Rosemary Grant, HA Ford, MJ Brewer, J Podos
Proceedings of the Royal Society B: Biological Sciences 273 (1596), 1887-1894, 2006
Soil analysis in forensic taphonomy: chemical and biological effects of buried human remains
M Tibbett, DO Carter
CRC Press, 2008
Regional scale mapping of soil properties and their uncertainty with a large number of satellite-derived covariates
L Poggio, A Gimona, MJ Brewer
Geoderma 209, 1-14, 2013
Identifying and assessing uncertainty in hydrological pathways: a novel approach to end member mixing in a Scottish agricultural catchment
C Soulsby, J Petry, MJ Brewer, SM Dunn, B Ott, IA Malcolm
Journal of Hydrology 274 (1-4), 109-128, 2003
Protected area networks and savannah bird biodiversity in the face of climate change and land degradation
CM Beale, NE Baker, MJ Brewer, JJ Lennon
Ecology letters 16 (8), 1061-1068, 2013
Quantifying the grazing impacts associated with different herbivores on rangelands
SD Albon, MJ Brewer, S O’brien, AJ Nolan, D Cope
Journal of Applied Ecology 44 (6), 1176-1187, 2007
Scenario-visualization for the assessment of perceived green space qualities at the urban–rural fringe
E Lange, S Hehl-Lange, MJ Brewer
Journal of environmental management 89 (3), 245-256, 2008
Does work-life balance affect pro-environmental behaviour? Evidence for the UK using longitudinal microdata
PC Melo, J Ge, T Craig, MJ Brewer, I Thronicker
Ecological economics 145, 170-181, 2018
Unearthing the picturesque: The validity of the preference matrix as a measure of landscape aesthetics
APN Van der Jagt, T Craig, J Anable, MJ Brewer, DG Pearson
Landscape and Urban Planning 124, 1-13, 2014
Water source dynamics in a glacierized alpine river basin (Taillon‐Gabiétous, French Pyrénées)
LE Brown, DM Hannah, AM Milner, C Soulsby, AJ Hodson, MJ Brewer
Water Resources Research 42 (8), 2006
Quantifying species composition in root mixtures using two methods: near‐infrared reflectance spectroscopy and plant wax markers
C Roumet, C Picon‐Cochard, LA Dawson, R Joffre, R Mayes, ...
New Phytologist 170 (3), 631-638, 2006
A Bayesian model for local smoothing in kernel density estimation
MJ Brewer
Statistics and Computing 10, 299-309, 2000
Do multiple herbivores maintain chemical diversity of Scots pine monoterpenes?
GR Iason, JM O'Reilly-Wapstra, MJ Brewer, RW Summers, BD Moore
Philosophical Transactions of the Royal Society B: Biological Sciences 366 …, 2011
Impacts of climate change on national biodiversity population trends
B Martay, MJ Brewer, DA Elston, JR Bell, R Harrington, TM Brereton, ...
Ecography 40 (10), 1139-1151, 2017
Maternal smoking during pregnancy specifically reduces human fetal desert hedgehog gene expression during testis development
PA Fowler, S Cassie, SM Rhind, MJ Brewer, JM Collinson, RG Lea, ...
The Journal of Clinical Endocrinology & Metabolism 93 (2), 619-626, 2008
Bayesian spatial modelling of soil properties and their uncertainty: The example of soil organic matter in Scotland using R-INLA
L Poggio, A Gimona, L Spezia, MJ Brewer
Geoderma 277, 69-82, 2016
Use of kernel density estimation and maximum curvature to set Marine Protected Area boundaries: Identifying a Special Protection Area for wintering red-throated divers in the UK
SH O’Brien, A Webb, MJ Brewer, JB Reid
Biological Conservation 156, 15-21, 2012
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Articles 1–20