Bogdan Diaconescu
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The extreme light infrastructure—nuclear physics (ELI-NP) facility: new horizons in physics with 10 PW ultra-intense lasers and 20 MeV brilliant gamma beams
S Gales, KA Tanaka, DL Balabanski, F Negoita, D Stutman, O Tesileanu, ...
Reports on Progress in Physics 81 (9), 094301, 2018
Low-energy acoustic plasmons at metal surfaces
B Diaconescu, K Pohl, L Vattuone, L Savio, P Hofmann, VM Silkin, ...
Nature 448 (7149), 57-59, 2007
Atomically thin heterostructures based on single-layer tungsten diselenide and graphene
YC Lin, CYS Chang, RK Ghosh, J Li, H Zhu, R Addou, B Diaconescu, ...
Nano letters 14 (12), 6936-6941, 2014
Current status and highlights of the ELI-NP research program
KA Tanaka, KM Spohr, DL Balabanski, S Balascuta, L Capponi, ...
Matter and Radiation at Extremes 5 (2), 2020
Low-energy electron reflectivity from graphene
RM Feenstra, N Srivastava, Q Gao, M Widom, B Diaconescu, T Ohta, ...
Physical Review B—Condensed Matter and Materials Physics 87 (4), 041406, 2013
Electronic hybridization of large-area stacked graphene films
JT Robinson, SW Schmucker, CB Diaconescu, JP Long, JC Culbertson, ...
ACS nano 7 (1), 637-644, 2013
10 PW peak power femtosecond laser pulses at ELI-NP
C Radier, O Chalus, M Charbonneau, S Thambirajah, G Deschamps, ...
High Power Laser Science and Engineering 10, e21, 2022
Facile growth of monolayer MoS2 film areas on SiO2
J Mann, D Sun, Q Ma, JR Chen, E Preciado, T Ohta, B Diaconescu, ...
The European Physical Journal B 86, 1-4, 2013
Measurement of Electronic States of PbS Nanocrystal Quantum Dots Using Scanning<? format?> Tunneling Spectroscopy: The Role of Parity Selection Rules in Optical Absorption
B Diaconescu, LA Padilha, P Nagpal, BS Swartzentruber, VI Klimov
Physical Review Letters 110 (12), 127406, 2013
Acoustic surface plasmon on Cu (111)
K Pohl, B Diaconescu, G Vercelli, L Vattuone, VM Silkin, EV Chulkov, ...
Europhysics Letters 90 (5), 57006, 2010
Rotational disorder in twisted bilayer graphene
TE Beechem, T Ohta, B Diaconescu, JT Robinson
ACS nano 8 (2), 1655-1663, 2014
Self-assembly of methanethiol on the reconstructed Au (111) surface
G Nenchev, B Diaconescu, F Hagelberg, K Pohl
Physical Review B—Condensed Matter and Materials Physics 80 (8), 081401, 2009
High-resolution spectroscopy and emission decay in concentrated Nd: YAG ceramics
V Lupei, A Lupei, S Georgescu, B Diaconescu, T Taira, Y Sato, ...
JOSA B 19 (3), 360-368, 2002
Molecular self-assembly of functionalized fullerenes on a metal surface
B Diaconescu, T Yang, S Berber, M Jazdzyk, GP Miller, D Tománek, ...
Physical review letters 102 (5), 056102, 2009
Highly ordered assembly of single-domain dichloropentacene over large areas on vicinal gold surfaces
J Wang, I Kaur, B Diaconescu, JM Tang, GP Miller, K Pohl
Acs Nano 5 (3), 1792-1797, 2011
Band structure effects on the Be (0001) acoustic surface plasmon energy dispersion
VM Silkin, JM Pitarke, EV Chulkov, B Diaconescu, K Pohl, L Vattuone, ...
physica status solidi (a) 205 (6), 1307-1311, 2008
An ultrahigh vacuum fast-scanning and variable temperature scanning tunneling microscope for large scale imaging
B Diaconescu, G Nenchev, J de la Figuera, K Pohl
Review of Scientific Instruments 78 (10), 2007
High Power Laser Sci
C Radier, O Chalus, M Charbonneau, S Thambirajah, G Deschamps, ...
Eng 10, e21, 2022
Self‐organized nanotemplating on misfit dislocation networks investigated by scanning tunneling microscopy
B Diaconescu, G Nenchev, J Jones, K Pohl
Microscopy Research and Technique 70 (6), 547-553, 2007
Target characteristics used in laser-plasma acceleration of protons based on the TNSA mechanism
A Măgureanu, L Dincă, C Jalbă, RF Andrei, I Burducea, DG Ghiţă, ...
Frontiers in Physics 10, 727718, 2022
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Articles 1–20