Harris L. Friedman
Harris L. Friedman
University of Florida
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The complex dynamics of wishful thinking: the critical positivity ratio.
NJL Brown, AD Sokal, HL Friedman
American Psychological Association 68 (9), 801, 2013
Patient experiences of psilocybin-assisted psychotherapy: an interpretative phenomenological analysis
AB Belser, G Agin-Liebes, TC Swift, S Terrana, N Devenot, HL Friedman, ...
Journal of Humanistic Psychology 57 (4), 354-388, 2017
A conceptual clarification of the experience of awe: An interpretative phenomenological analysis
ET Bonner, HL Friedman
The humanistic psychologist 39 (3), 222-235, 2011
The self-expansive level form: A conceptualization and measurement of a transpersonal construct
HL Friedman
The Journal of Transpersonal Psychology 15 (1), 37, 1983
A survey of measures of transpersonal constructs
DA MacDonald, L LeClair, CJ Holland, A Alter, HL Friedman
The Journal of Transpersonal Psychology 27 (2), 171, 1995
The Wiley-Blackwell handbook of transpersonal psychology
HL Friedman, G Hartelius
John Wiley & Sons, 2013
Assessment of humanistic, transpersonal, and spiritual constructs: State of the science
DA MacDonald, HL Friedman
Journal of humanistic psychology 42 (4), 102-125, 2002
Adaptive leadership: When change is not enough (part one)
J Glover, H Friedman, G Jones
Organization Development Journal 20 (2), 15, 2002
Spirituality as a scientific construct: Testing its universality across cultures and languages
DA MacDonald, HL Friedman, J Brewczynski, D Holland, KKK Salagame, ...
Plos one 10 (3), e0117701, 2015
Classifying dogs’(Canis familiaris) facial expressions from photographs
T Bloom, H Friedman
Behavioural processes 96, 1-10, 2013
Cancer at the dinner table: experiences of psilocybin-assisted psychotherapy for the treatment of cancer-related distress
TC Swift, AB Belser, G Agin-Liebes, N Devenot, S Terrana, HL Friedman, ...
Journal of Humanistic Psychology 57 (5), 488-519, 2017
Humanistic and positive psychology: The methodological and epistemological divide
H Friedman
The humanistic psychologist 36 (2), 113-126, 2008
Transpersonal psychology as a scientific field
H Friedman
International Journal of Transpersonal Studies 21 (1), 19, 2002
Enlightened or delusional? Differentiating religious, spiritual, and transpersonal experiences from psychopathology
CV Johnson, HL Friedman
Journal of Humanistic Psychology 48 (4), 505-527, 2008
A survey of measures of spiritual and transpersonal constructs: Part one-research update
DA MacDonald, HL Friedman, JG Kuentzel
Journal of Transpersonal Psychology 31 (2), 137-154, 1999
Connectedness and environmental behavior: Sense of interconnectedness and pro-environmental behavior
RE Hoot, H Friedman
International Journal of Transpersonal Studies 30 (1), 10, 2011
Adaptive leadership (part two): Four principles for being adaptive
J Glover, K Rainwater, G Jones, H Friedman
Organization Development Journal 20 (4), 18, 2002
The negative shadow cast by positive psychology: Contrasting views and implications of humanistic and positive psychology on resiliency
HL Friedman, BD Robbins
The Humanistic Psychologist 40 (1), 87-102, 2012
Transpersonal psychology, physical health, and mental health: Theory, research, and practice
LD Elmer, DA MacDonald, HL Friedman
The Humanistic Psychologist 31 (2-3), 159-181, 2003
Advances in Parapsychological Research 10
S Krippner, AJ Rock, HL Friedman
McFarland, 2021
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Articles 1–20