Steven Gilmour
Steven Gilmour
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Combined effect of operational variables and enzyme activity on aqueous enzymatic extraction of oil and protein from soybean
A Rosenthal, DL Pyle, K Niranjan, S Gilmour, L Trinca
Enzyme and Microbial Technology 28 (6), 499-509, 2001
Statistical principles for the design of experiments: applications to real experiments
R Mead, SG Gilmour, A Mead
Cambridge University Press, 2012
The Interpretation of Mallows’s CP-Statistic
SG Gilmour
Journal of the Royal Statistical Society Series D: The Statistician 45 (1 …, 1996
Optimisation of high temperature puffing of potato cubes using response surface methodology
AI Varnalis, JG Brennan, DB MacDougall, SG Gilmour
Journal of Food Engineering 61 (2), 153-163, 2004
Psychosocial and cognitive factors associated with adherence to dietary and fluid restriction regimens by people on chronic haemodialysis
T Sensky, C Leger, S Gilmour
Psychotherapy and Psychosomatics 65 (1), 36-42, 1996
Response surface designs for experiments in bioprocessing
SG Gilmour
Biometrics 62 (2), 323-331, 2006
Characterisation of colloidal gas aphrons for subsequent use for protein recovery
P Jauregi, S Gilmour, J Varley
Chemical Engineering Journal 65 (1), 1-11, 1997
Multistratum response surface designs
LA Trinca, SG Gilmour
Technometrics 43 (1), 25-33, 2001
A General Method of Constructing E(s2)-Optimal Supersaturated Designs
NA Butler, R Mead, KM Eskridge, SG Gilmour
Journal of the Royal Statistical Society Series B: Statistical Methodology …, 2001
Optimum design of experiments for statistical inference
SG Gilmour, LA Trinca
Journal of the Royal Statistical Society Series C: Applied Statistics 61 (3 …, 2012
Environmental warming and biodiversity–ecosystem functioning in freshwater microcosms: partitioning the effects of species identity, richness and metabolism
DM Perkins, BG McKie, B Malmqvist, SG Gilmour, J Reiss, G Woodward
Advances in ecological research 43, 177-209, 2010
Projective three-level main effects designs robust to model uncertainty
PW Tsai, SG Gilmour, R Mead
Biometrika 87 (2), 467-475, 2000
Modeling of oligodextran production in an ultrafiltration stirred-cell membrane reactor
KC Mountzouris, SG Gilmour, AS Grandison, RA Rastall
Enzyme and Microbial Technology 24 (1-2), 75-85, 1999
Design of microarray experiments for genetical genomics studies
JSS Bueno Filho, SG Gilmour, GJM Rosa
Genetics 174 (2), 945, 2006
Continuous production of oligodextrans via controlled hydrolysis of dextran in an enzyme membrane reactor
KC Mountzouris, SG Gilmour, RA Rastall
Journal of food science 67 (5), 1767-1771, 2002
An algorithm for arranging response surface designs in small blocks
LA Trinca, SG Gilmour
Computational statistics & data analysis 33 (1), 25-43, 2000
Robustness of subset response surface designs to missing observations
T Ahmad, SG Gilmour
Journal of Statistical Planning and Inference 140 (1), 92-103, 2010
Some practical advice on polynomial regression analysis from blocked response surface designs
SG Gilmour, LA Trinca
Communications in Statistics-Theory and Methods 29 (9-10), 2157-2180, 2000
A generalized estimating equation method for fitting autocorrelated ordinal score data with an application in horticultural research
NR Parsons, RN Edmondson, SG Gilmour
Journal of the Royal Statistical Society Series C: Applied Statistics 55 (4 …, 2006
Factor screening via supersaturated designs
SG Gilmour
Screening: Methods for experimentation in industry, drug discovery, and …, 2006
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Articles 1–20