Joseph McCahery
Cited by
Cited by
Behind the scenes: The corporate governance preferences of institutional investors
JA McCahery, Z Sautner, LT Starks
The Journal of Finance 71 (6), 2905-2932, 2016
Comparative corporate governance and the theory of the firm: the case against global cross reference
WW Bratton, JA McCahery
Colum. J. Transnat'l L. 38, 213, 1999
The end of ‘corporate’governance: Hello ‘platform’governance
M Fenwick, JA McCahery, EPM Vermeulen
European Business Organization Law Review 20, 171-199, 2019
Corporate governance regimes: convergence and diversity
J McCahery
Oxford University Press, USA, 2002
Regulatory Competiton, Regulatory Capture, and Corporate Self-Regulation
WW Bratton, JA McCahery
NCL Rev. 73, 1861, 1994
Corporate governance of non-listed companies
JA McCahery, EPM Vermeulen
Oxford University Press, 2010
ESG performance and disclosure: A cross-country analysis
F Lopez-de-Silanes, JA McCahery, PC Pudschedl
Singapore Journal of Legal Studies, 217-241, 2020
The financing of small and medium-sized enterprises: an analysis of the financing gap in Brazil
M Godke Veiga, JA McCahery
European Business Organization Law Review 20 (4), 633-664, 2019
After Enron: improving corporate law and modernising securities regulation in Europe and the US
J Armour, JA McCahery
Bloomsbury Publishing, 2006
The Equilibrium Content of Corporate Federalism
WW Bratton, JA McCahery
Wake Forest L. Rev. 41, 619, 2006
How does corporate mobility affect lawmaking? A comparative analysis
WW Bratton, JA McCahery, EPM Vermeulen
The American Journal of Comparative Law 57 (2), 347-385, 2009
Fintech and the financing of entrepreneurs: From crowdfunding to marketplace lending
M Fenwick, JA McCahery, EPM Vermeulen
TILEC Discussion Paper, 2017
Does the European Company Prevent the ‘Delaware Effect’?
JA McCahery, EPM Vermeulen
European law journal 11 (6), 785-801, 2005
International regulatory competition and coordination: perspectives on economic regulation in Europe and the United States
W Bratton, J McCahery, S Picciotto, C Scott
Oxford University Press, 1997
Bank reputation in the private debt market
J McCahery, A Schwienbacher
Journal of Corporate Finance 16 (4), 498-515, 2010
Tax coordination and tax competition in the European Union: evaluating the code of conduct on business taxation
WW Bratton, JA McCahery
Common Market Law Review 38 (3), 2001
Will the world ever be the same after COVID-19? Two lessons from the first global crisis of a digital age
M Fenwick, JA McCahery, EPM Vermeulen
European Business Organization Law Review 22, 125-145, 2021
The economics of the proposed European takeover directive
JA McCahery
CEPS, 2003
An inquiry into the efficiency of the limited liability company: of theory of the firm and regulatory competition
WW Bratton, JA McCahery
Wash. & Lee L. Rev. 54, 629, 1997
Company and takeover law reforms in Europe: misguided harmonization efforts or regulatory competition?
G Hertig, JA McCahery
European Business Organization Law Review (EBOR) 4 (2), 179-211, 2003
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Articles 1–20