Natalia Ponomareva
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Cited by
Conditional random fields vs. hidden markov models in a biomedical named entity recognition task
N Ponomareva, P Rosso, F Pla, A Molina
Proc. of Int. Conf. Recent Advances in Natural Language Processing, RANLP …, 2007
Do neighbours help? an exploration of graph-based algorithms for cross-domain sentiment classification
N Ponomareva, M Thelwall
Proceedings of the 2012 joint conference on empirical methods in natural …, 2012
Semi-supervised vs. Cross-domain Graphs for Sentiment Analysis
N Ponomareva, M Thelwall
RANLP 2013, 2013
Biographies or blenders: Which resource is best for cross-domain sentiment analysis?
N Ponomareva, M Thelwall
International Conference on Intelligent Text Processing and Computational …, 2012
Biomedical named entity recognition: a poor knowledge HMM-based approach
N Ponomareva, F Pla, A Molina, P Rosso
Natural Language Processing and Information Systems: 12th International …, 2007
The study of sentiment word granularity for opinion analysis (a comparison with Maite Taboada works)
O Kaurova, M Alexandrov, N Ponomareva
International Journal on Social Media. MMM: Monitoring, Measurement, and …, 2010
Constructing empirical models for automatic dialog parameterization
M Alexandrov, X Blanco, N Ponomareva, P Rosso
Text, Speech and Dialogue: 10th International Conference, TSD 2007, Pilsen …, 2007
Air: a semi-automatic system for archiving institutional repositories
N Ponomareva, JM Gomez, V Pekar
Natural Language Processing and Information Systems, 169-181, 2009
Inductive Modeling in Subjectivity/Sentiment Analysis (case study: dialog processing)
M Alexandrov, X Blanco, A Catena, N Ponomareva
Proceedings of 3-rd International Workshop on Inductive Modeling (IWIM-2009 …, 2009
A survey of the perceived text adaptation needs of adults with autism
V Yaneva, C Orasan, L Ha, N Ponomareva
RANLP, 2019
Opinion Analysis of Publications on Economics with a Limited Vocabulary of Sentiments
A Catena, M Alexandrov, N Ponomareva
International Journal on Social Media-MMM: Monitoring, Measurement, and …, 2010
Graph-based approaches for semi-supervised and cross-domain sentiment analysis
N Ponomareva
University of Wolverhampton, 2014
Regression Model for Politeness Estimation Trained on Examples
M Alexandrov, N Ponomareva, X Blanco
Proceedings of the NooJ'07 conference, 2008
Performance of inductive method of model self-organization with incomplete model and noisy data
N Ponomareva, M Alexandrov, A Gelbukh
2008 Seventh Mexican International Conference on Artificial Intelligence …, 2008
Example-based empirical formula for politeness estimation in dialog processing
N Ponomareva, X Blanco
Proceedings of 10th Intern. Workshop on NooJ applications (to be published …, 2007
QALL-ME needs AIR: a portability study
C Orǎsan, I Dornescu, N Ponomareva
Proceedings of the Workshop on Adaptation of Language Resources and …, 2009
Linguistic Models Construction and Analysis for Satisfaction Estimation
N Ponomareva, A Catena
Text, Speech and Dialogue: 12th International Conference, TSD 2009, Pilsen …, 2009
Inductive Modeling in Subjectivity/Sentiment Analysis (case study: dialog processing)
MAC Rodulfo, M Alexandrov, N Ponomareva
Proceedings of IWIM 2009, 2009
Programa informático para el análisis fonológico de muestras de habla de niños con trastornos del lenguaje
AY Fernández, JFC Mérida, P Rosso, N Ponomareva
Understanding Language and Mind: applied Linguistics Now, 929-942, 2009
Performance of Inductive Method with Unaccounted Interference (case study: polynomial, harmonic, noise)
N Ponomareva, M Alexandrov
IWIM 2009 1, 90, 2009
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Articles 1–20