Alexandra Suvorova
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Cited by
A selective laser melting and solution heat treatment refined Al–12Si alloy with a controllable ultrafine eutectic microstructure and 25% tensile ductility
XP Li, XJ Wang, M Saunders, A Suvorova, LC Zhang, YJ Liu, MH Fang, ...
Acta Materialia 95, 74-82, 2015
Catalytic oxidation of organic pollutants on pristine and surface nitrogen-modified carbon nanotubes with sulfate radicals
H Sun, CK Kwan, A Suvorova, HM Ang, MO Tadé, S Wang
Applied Catalysis B: Environmental 154, 134-141, 2014
Surface controlled generation of reactive radicals from persulfate by carbocatalysis on nanodiamonds
X Duan, C Su, L Zhou, H Sun, A Suvorova, T Odedairo, Z Zhu, Z Shao, ...
Applied Catalysis B: Environmental 194, 7-15, 2016
Influence of nanowire density on the shape and optical properties of ternary InGaAs nanowires
Y Kim, HJ Joyce, Q Gao, HH Tan, C Jagadish, M Paladugu, J Zou, ...
Nano letters 6 (4), 599-604, 2006
Effect of deposition conditions on mechanical properties of low-temperature PECVD silicon nitride films
H Huang, KJ Winchester, A Suvorova, BR Lawn, Y Liu, XZ Hu, JM Dell, ...
Materials Science and Engineering: A 435, 453-459, 2006
Heteroatom (N or N‐S)‐Doping Induced Layered and Honeycomb Microstructures of Porous Carbons for CO2 Capture and Energy Applications
W Tian, H Zhang, H Sun, A Suvorova, M Saunders, M Tade, S Wang
Advanced Functional Materials 26 (47), 8651-8661, 2016
Surface-tailored nanodiamonds as excellent metal-free catalysts for organic oxidation
X Duan, Z Ao, D Li, H Sun, L Zhou, A Suvorova, M Saunders, G Wang, ...
Carbon 103, 404-411, 2016
A new metal-free carbon hybrid for enhanced photocatalysis
H Sun, G Zhou, Y Wang, A Suvorova, S Wang
ACS applied materials & interfaces 6 (19), 16745-16754, 2014
One-pot hydrothermal synthesis of ZnO-reduced graphene oxide composites using Zn powders for enhanced photocatalysis
S Liu, H Sun, A Suvorova, S Wang
Chemical Engineering Journal 229, 533-539, 2013
Thermally stable coexistence of liquid and solid phases in gallium nanoparticles
M Losurdo, A Suvorova, S Rubanov, K Hingerl, AS Brown
Nature materials 15 (9), 995-1002, 2016
Magnesium oxide as a candidate high-κ gate dielectric
L Yan, CM Lopez, RP Shrestha, EA Irene, AA Suvorova, M Saunders
Applied Physics Letters 88 (14), 2006
Precipitation of iron silicate nanoparticles in early Precambrian oceans marks Earth’s first iron age
B Rasmussen, B Krapež, JR Muhling, A Suvorova
Geology 43 (4), 303-306, 2015
Nanogeochemistry of hydrothermal magnetite
AP Deditius, M Reich, AC Simon, A Suvorova, J Knipping, MP Roberts, ...
Contributions to Mineralogy and Petrology 173, 1-20, 2018
Greenalite precipitation linked to the deposition of banded iron formations downslope from a late Archean carbonate platform
B Rasmussen, JR Muhling, A Suvorova, B Krapež
Precambrian Research 290, 49-62, 2017
Effect of annealing on the structural, electrical and magnetic properties of Gd-implanted ZnO thin films
PP Murmu, J Kennedy, BJ Ruck, GVM Williams, A Markwitz, S Rubanov, ...
Journal of Materials Science 47, 1119-1126, 2012
Dust to dust: Evidence for the formation of “primary” hematite dust in banded iron formations via oxidation of iron silicate nanoparticles
B Rasmussen, JR Muhling, A Suvorova, B Krapež
Precambrian Research 284, 49-63, 2016
Er2O3 as a high-K dielectric candidate
M Losurdo, MM Giangregorio, G Bruno, D Yang, EA Irene, AA Suvorova, ...
Applied Physics Letters 91 (9), 2007
Ultrathin high-quality SnTe nanoplates for fabricating flexible near-infrared photodetectors
J Liu, X Li, H Wang, G Yuan, A Suvorova, S Gain, Y Ren, W Lei
ACS applied materials & interfaces 12 (28), 31810-31822, 2020
Colloidal Single‐Layer Photocatalysts for Methanol‐Storable Solar H2 Fuel
Y Pang, MN Uddin, W Chen, S Javaid, E Barker, Y Li, A Suvorova, ...
Advanced materials 31 (49), 1905540, 2019
Structural and optical properties of ZnO thin films by rf magnetron sputtering with rapid thermal annealing
NA Suvorova, IO Usov, L Stan, RF DePaula, AM Dattelbaum, QX Jia, ...
Applied Physics Letters 92 (14), 2008
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Articles 1–20