Jae Wook Kim
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Cited by
Optimized compact finite difference schemes with maximum resolution
JW Kim, DJ Lee
AIAA Journal 34 (5), 887-893, 1996
Generalized characteristic boundary conditions for computational aeroacoustics
JW Kim, DJ Lee
AIAA Journal 38 (11), 2040-2049, 2000
Airfoil noise reductions through leading edge serrations
S Narayanan, P Chaitanya, S Haeri, PF Joseph, JW Kim, C Polacsek
Physics of Fluids 27 (2), 025109, 2015
On the reduction of aerofoil-turbulence interaction noise associated with wavy leading edges
JW Kim, S Haeri, PF Joseph
Journal of Fluid Mechanics 792, 526-552, 2016
Performance and mechanism of sinusoidal leading edge serrations for the reductions of turbulence-aerofoil interaction noise
P Chaitanya, PF Joseph, S Narayanan, C Vanderwel, JM Turner, JW Kim, ...
Journal of Fluid Mechanics 818, 435-464, 2017
Optimised boundary compact finite difference schemes for computational aeroacoustics
JW Kim
Journal of Computational Physics 225 (1), 995-1019, 2007
Generalized characteristic boundary conditions for computational aeroacoustics, part 2
JW Kim, DJ Lee
AIAA Journal 42 (1), 47-55, 2004
The effect of wavy leading edges on aerofoil-gust interaction noise
ASH Lau, S Haeri, JW Kim
Journal of Sound and Vibration 332 (24), 6234-6253, 2013
Characteristic interface conditions for multiblock high-order computation on singular structured grid
JW Kim, DJ Lee
AIAA Journal 41 (12), 2341-2348, 2003
Adaptive nonlinear artificial dissipation model for computational aeroacoustics
JW Kim, DJ Lee
AIAA Journal 39 (5), 810-818, 2001
A large-eddy simulation on a deep-stalled aerofoil with a wavy leading edge
R Pérez-Torró, JW Kim
Journal of Fluid Mechanics 813, 23-52, 2017
High-order compact filters with variable cut-off wavenumber and stable boundary treatment
JW Kim
Computers & Fluids 39 (7), 1168-1182, 2010
Efficient parallel computing with a compact finite difference scheme
JW Kim, RD Sandberg
Computers & Fluids 58, 70-87, 2012
Aeroacoustic source mechanisms of a wavy leading edge undergoing vortical disturbances
JM Turner, JW Kim
Journal of Fluid Mechanics 811, 582-611, 2017
Landing-gear noise prediction using high-order finite difference schemes
W Liu, JW Kim, X Zhang, D Angland, B Caruelle
Journal of Sound and Vibration 332 (14), 3517-3534, 2013
An advanced synthetic eddy method for the computation of aerofoil-turbulence interaction noise
JW Kim, S Haeri
Journal of Computational Physics 287 (1), 1-17, 2015
Broadband noise reduction through leading edge serrations on realistic aerofoils
C Paruchuri, N Subramanian, P Joseph, C Vanderwel, J Turner, JW Kim, ...
21st AIAA/CEAS aeroacoustics conference, 2202, 2015
Quasi-disjoint pentadiagonal matrix systems for the parallelization of compact finite-difference schemes and filters
JW Kim
Journal of Computational Physics 241, 168-194, 2013
Implementation of boundary conditions for optimized high-order compact schemes
JW Kim, DJ Lee
Journal of Computational Acoustics 5 (02), 177-191, 1997
Leading edge serration geometries for significantly enhanced leading edge noise reductions
CC Paruchuri, S Narayanan, P Joseph, JW Kim
22nd AIAA/CEAS Aeroacoustics Conference, 2736, 2016
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Articles 1–20